Energy Ice Cream

Energy foods are big business. We’ve all seen Energy Bars and Energy Drinks of course, but there have to be other food categories where a product could be developed and marketed on the basis of its energy giving properties.

There are a wealth of options, but I don’t recall seeing an Energy Ice Cream. Adding the ‘Energy’ element to an Ice cream could be an interesting and lucrative point of difference.

If you’re interested in getting into a food or drink production business, this ‘energy’ niche could be a good place to start. The technicalities of it should be pretty easy to research, and if you can create something which has both great taste and energy-giving properties, it will have all the hallmarks of a winner.

This sort of opportunity isn’t for the faint -hearted or the uncommited but it has millionaire-making profit potential.

I’ll have mine in a cone!

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“As long as you’re going to be thinking anyway, think big.”


Donald Trump

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“I want to die like my father, peacefully in his sleep, not screaming and terrified, like his passengers.”

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Bob Monkhouse

You’re Never The Wrong Age

I never like to miss the chance to nail the “I’m too young/old” excuse, and Nathan Clark has given me another chance. Eleven year old Nathan was doing his maths homework and needed to find a ruler.

He looked down at his pencil and that’s when the inspiration hit – why not combine a ruler with a pencil?

He went out and found a manufacturer, but their minimum order was 1,000  pencils. Not having the funds to proceed, Nathan made a video appeal and approuched a fund raising company called Kickstart to raise the $350 he needed.

Three days later over $2,500 had been pledged.

Will this make Nathan a millionaire? Probably not, but with the ambition and drive that he clerly has, Nathan will have a big success on his hands at some stage in the future.

Now consider this, if he can do all this at eleven, do you have any reason for not taking action with your own plans?

Today’s National Day 






Are you worried you’re going to have to “work until you drop”?

Are you tired of working all day, every day to make someone else rich when it’s YOU who should be the one becoming wealthy?

Ian once shared that grief, but now he never has to worry about money again…

Here’s a PROVEN way to make enough money to retire on as soon as you want, never work again and enjoy a fabulous income for life.

And it’s not like you even have to quit your job if you don’t want. You can keep your regular pay-cheque coming in if you’d like while you follow the specific steps of this blueprint in your spare time.

Let us show you everything about this when you click the website below:

 Kind Regards 

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John Harrison 

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P.S This method works best in times of economic uncertainty and volatility. In other words, it’s absolutely perfect for what’s going on right now.