Taxis typically aim to get their customers from A to B as quickly as possible, but not all customers are interested in speed. Turtle Taxis in Yokohama, Japan gives passengers the option to ride slowly to enjoy a more relaxing journey while also helping the environment.
Turtle Taxis comes with a button at the back of the driver’s seat. If passengers aren’t in a rush they can press the button to let the driver know they can slow down. As well as enjoying a more comfortable and less stressful ride, the scheme also enables cabbies to practice more eco-friendly driving practices.
There are two ideas to take from this:
1. Might a ‘safe and slow’ taxi service find a market in the UK?
2. Are you assuming that all your customers want the same thing. As Turtle Taxi’s have found out, there can be a significant number who want something different, and that different thing could save you money.