Personal assistants used to work only for the rich and famous. Not anymore. Sign up for a subscription at AskSunday.com and you can have the site’s virtual secretaries do tasks for you, like schedule appointments, set up dinner reservations or give you a wake-up call even if you are on a trip around the world.
In fact pretty much any secretarial, administrative or organisational task can be arranged through the site. Time can be booked in just five minute increments.
I mention it for two reasons:
1. You might be a one man/woman band or run a very ‘tight ship’ and have use for such a service on an occasional basis.
2. There could be a business idea for you there.
Is there a service you could provide over the internet in short time slots, which would help entrepreneurs to run their businesses more effectively?
Motivational Quote Of The Day

Alternative Quote Of The Day
“Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you’re a mile away and you have their shoes.”

Jack Handey
Information Publishing
Information publishing is one of the most heavily promoted ways to make some extra money, and yet many people aren’t really clear on what it is.
Put simply, an information product is any piece of knowledge that has been recorded in some way – whether that be in a printed format, an audio format, or a video format-so that it can now be passed on to others. There are dozens of ways to package and sell information.
Some of the most common products are, printed books and e-books, booklets and special reports, manuals and workbooks, CDs, downloadable audio files, DVDs, newsletters, subscription-based web sites, workshops and seminars.
All of us have information or knowledge that would be useful to others, and packaging and marketing it in the right way can be highly lucrative. If you have an idea for an idea for information product, and want a second opinion on it, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Today’s National Day


Dear Streetwise Customer,
I’ve already written to you a couple of times about this cash generating system.
This time though, I’m not going to tell you how good this is. I’m going to let our customers do it instead!
Here are just some of the comments we’ve received recently…

(Incidentally, all of these comments are completely unsolicited and the original copies are held on file at our offices and are available for inspection.)
To get the full story take a couple of minutes to read visit the website below and read the message from David Houghton who figured this out. It reveals this extraordinary opportunity in detail.
Take A Look Now By Visiting:
There is absolutely No Risk to you in taking a look at this. The whole
thing comes with a full Cast Iron Money Back Guarantee. All the best for now

John Harrison
Streetwise Publications
PS. Just for good measure here are Mike Pears comments on the A Minus B System:
“O.k. – here are my updates on the A-B System up to my trading week 51. These are all to level stakes.
Week 40 – w/c 16/2 – loss of 16 pts
Week 41 – w/c 23/2 – profit of 37 pts
Week 42 – w/c 2/3 – loss of 2 pts
Week 43 – w/c 9/3 – profit of 80 pts
Week 44 – w/c 16/3 – profit of 37 pts
Week 45 – w/c 23/3 – profit of 75 pts
Week 46 – w/c 30/3 – profit of 38 pts
Week 47 – w/c 6/4 – loss of 51 pts
Week 48 – w/c 13/4 – profit of 62 pts
Week 49 – w/c 20/4 – profit of 30 pts
Week 50 – w/c 27/4 – profit of 144 pts
Week 51 – w/c 4/5 – loss of 45 pts
Total Level stakes profit is 1,821 pts which averages 36.42 per week… A £1,000 starting bankusing 0.1% stakes, now stands at £5,569.”