The big news as I write this, is that John Prescott apparently suffered from bulimia for a number of years. At the risk of stating the obvious, there’s something that doesn’t feel quite right about this story…
It may be true, but if it is, he must have been suffering from amnesia at the same time – because he was obviously forgetting to be sick. If this continues, we can probably expect to hear of Sir Cliff’s booze, drug and sex addiction hell , any day now.
The real reason for the story appearing now of course, is publicity. The chubby member for Kingston Upon Hull East has a book out at the moment, and he’d quite like people to buy it so that he can invest the royalties in pies. There are a lot of books out at the moment (and indeed at every moment) so the competition for shelf space and sales, is fierce.
I spend quite a bit of money on advertisements in the national press, and so I know that the amount of publicity Prescott has generated over the past two days in the press alone, is worth hundreds of thousands of pounds. And that takes no account of the TV and internet coverage.
The key to securing all this coverage is that he’s revealed something negative about himself. I don’t know whether newspapers and news programmes focus on bad news because it’s what interests people, or whether it interests people because it’s what they focus on, but the end result is the same…
You have a much greater chance of getting something featured in a newspaper or on TV if it’s got a negative slant, than you have if it’s got a positive one. But from a business generating point of view, there’s a delicate balance to be struck here…
It’s okay for John Prescott, to do this because:
. He’s revealing an illness, and will therefore get some sympathy.
. His only goal is to sell the book, and his poilitical career is all but finished.
. Everyone knows he’s an incompetent buffoon anyway, so it can’t get any worse.
But it’s not so easy for a company that is looking to build a long-term relationship with customers. Any revelation or negative information revealed mustn’t be so damaging as to put doubt in the customer’s mind as to their ability to fulfil their obligations.
Probably the best kind of ‘bad news’ to reveal, is something that isn’t really your fault. Prescott used an illness. If you or I revealed such a thing, nobody would be interested, but we might get some press interest if we’d been the victim of an accident, criminal activity, or if bizarre circumstances had conspired against us. None of these things would call our competence into question, but would meet the media’s bad news criteria.
I’m not suggesting for one moment that you should be actively looking to engineer such a thing, but am merely alerting you to the fact that there may even be opportunities to profit from free publicity, in the most unlikely of circumstances.
I’m sure when Mr Prescott was tickling his tonsils after a night on the spare ribs, he didn’t see it as a profit opportunity, but someone at his publishers thought differently. And it looks like they were right.
Kind Regards

John Harrison

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Kind Regards

John Harrison

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