I read an interesting story about actor, Brian Blessed, that made me review how I’m currently thinking about things. Maybe it will do the same for you.
Blessed tells the story of how in 1980 he was appearing in a production of Macbeth at the Old Vic. Peter O’Toole was in the title role and had taken a hammering from the critics. One night, Blessed found O’Toole on his knees in his dressing room, crying out in anguish, “destroyed in heart and soul.”
Blessed intimated that he shouldn’t go on – that the audience were only there to see him make a fool of himself. O’Toole rejected the advice, and went on anyway.
To quote Blessed: “I have never…never…seen courage like that.”
Now here was a man (Blessed) who originated from my part of the world. In those days in particular, it was an area where you didn’t have to wait long to see acts of REAL courage ~ where men put their lives on the line to save stricken colleagues in mining and industrial accidents.
He would have seen men going to work in horrible and dangerous conditions where they were exposed to health-wrecking noise, fumes, dust, machinery and work practices on a daily basis. He would have seen men horribly disabled and handicapped for life, but being forced to carry on…
And yet he had become so immersed in the world he now inhabited, that he saw some bloke risking making a bit of a pillock of himself as the pinnacle of human courage.
I think we can all be a bit like this at times. We become almost hypnotically focussed on our own little world, and totally blinkered to the wider picture. We lose perspective, and a sense of what’s important and what isn’t. We overestimate the magnitude of our own problems, and diminish the significance of those experienced by others.
Reading what Brian Blessed had to say caused me to think about what real courage is, and the nature of real problems. And if I’m honest, I’m a complete stranger to both.
Perhaps when you think about it, you’ll find that you are too.
Kind Regards

John Harrison

Dear Streetwise Customer,
I want to inform you of a new Facebook group Andi, a member of our staff has set up for Streetwise customers. This group is for Streetwise customers only. It is a private members only group and we would like to invite you to join it.
Andi suggested that he would like to host a series of live online training sessions starting next week. These live sessions will cover a range of important topics from creating the right mind set for success – which will be very handy if you have to stay in isolation for weeks or months at a time! – to the many different ways to make money online from home.
Including how one man made $30,000 a month sharing untruths. Seriously.
The reason for doing these live sessions is that if you are going to be in isolation for a few weeks then that is a great time to think about your future, your future income and learn new valuable skills.
It is our way of giving back to you during this strange time and it is also a way that we can interact with our customers better. We can let you know of future products and what we are doing as a business.
Andi knows a lot about online business and making money online after making quite a bit of it through his websites and various projects. He is the perfect person to be holding live training sessions in the Facebook group… it also helps with him being the only one out of us all who actually knows how to do it!
To access these training sessions you need to join the group so please click the link below or the image above and request to join The Streetwise Private Members Only Club.
Being indoors for such a long time could have you climbing the walls and so you are going to need a healthy distraction. Something to take your mind off being imprisoned within your own four walls.
This time will be a great opportunity to learn some new life changing skills and ways to earn an income.
From what Andi has said to me, I believe the group is going to be invaluable to you. There is a lot of great stuff which he plans to share into the group. Stuff which I personally believe will make you see the internet and online businesses in a whole new light.
To join the group click here:
Kind Regards

John Harrison