Imagine travelling several hundred miles, with a ferry journey thrown in for good measure…just to buy nappies. Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it, and yet that’s just what entrepreneurial Poles and Lithuanians are doing, who see half-priced diapers are too good a business opportunity to pass up.
As I’m sure you know, supermarkets often use loss-leaders to entice customers into their stores. For reasons I don’t fully understand, (perhaps young parents are a big target market) cut-price nappies have become the preferred lure in parts of Norway.
It’s set off something of a price war, which would be great news for Norwegian parents if they could actually find nappies in stock, but they can’t. Prices are so low that Poles and Lithuanians, have started trekking to Norway for the sole purpose of buying up every last nappy they can find. I’m assuming they then take them back home and sell them at a profit.
I’m sure opportunities come up like this all the time – and not just across International borders. Local shops and Supermarket have cut price, time –sensitive offers to bring in customers, which aren’t available in other areas. Every time that happens, there’s a profit opportunity. Buy the product in one area, and resell it in another for less money than it’s available for in that area. Simple, but not that easy.
The trick is to be on the spot to take up the offers, and you’ll not always be able to do that. This probably isn’t something for a regular income then, but something to keep in the back of your mind for when the opportunity presents itself. And once you’re alert to the possibility, the opportunities will present themselves all the more regularly.
For more comprehensive details on this visit :
Motivational Quote Of The Day
“What do you want a meaning for? Life is a desire, not a meaning.”

Charlie Chaplin
Alternative Quote Of The Day
“So I was in Tesco’s and I saw this man and woman wrapped in a barcode. I said “Are you two an item?.”

Tommy Cooper
Cupcakes Collapse
You don’t have to go back too many years to arrive at a time where nobody was talking about cupcakes. The past few years have seen an explosion in the market, with specialist chains being set up and most mainstream confectionary bakers jumping on the bandwagon.
A great deal of money has been made, but it really feels like we’re at, or beyond, market saturation. So I wouldn’t recommend you go into the cupcake business at this moment, but I would recommend that you ask yourself a simple question.. What’s next?
There are always trends and fads in the food and drink business, and spotting them early and riding the crest of the wave can pay massive dividends. Where should you focus your efforts? Well anyone who can combine great taste with genuine healthy properties stands to make a killing in any sector of the food and drink market.
Today’s National Day


You have been hand-picked to receive this letter for a special reason. You’ll find out exactly why you were chosen when you take a look at the on line link below.
Here’s what it’s all about……
A few months ago, we sent a guy called Graham Carter, what he called a ‘crummy disc’ (the cheek of it!) in a plain brown envelope. On the disc were the words ‘Project X’, hand-written in red felt tip.
Why did we send it to him?
Because he was broke and we wanted him to try something out. We needed someone who was down on his luck…someone with none of the advantages which a lot of people set out with on a new project. Someone whose position was pretty hopeless really. Here’s what we figured…
If Graham could make this work, anyone could.
For the full story visit:
Very Best Wishes,

John Harrison
PS. This could turn the way you live (and make a living) on its head. If you’re looking for more freedom, more money and to have your computer doing all the hard work for you while you get on with your day, you really should get on this right away.
PPS I’m only looking for five people to come in on this today. There will be other opportunities later, but just five today. We’re not going to rush this. It’s special.
This comes with a full 90 day test drive money back guarantee. Take a look today.