I spent an enjoyable couple of hours recently, watching a show put on by my daughters school to celebrate its 60th anniversary. It was a review, encompassing music, songs and shows from the past 60 years.
This isn’t a stage school, and yet many of the performances were absolutely outstanding. I can’t imagine for one minute, being able to do what they did now…let alone when I was nine years old. I’m sure many of those on stage last night have aspirations to ‘make it’ in the entertainment business when they’re older, and good as they are, I’m equally sure that they probably never will.
You see, it’s an incredibly competitive field. Kids have always wanted to be either pop stars or actors, but with the growth in popularity of TV talent shows like X Factor, that trend has gone into overdrive. They all want to do it now, and a lot of them are very good…
But very good is never quite good enough.
The other evening, I watched an interview with actor Mackenzie Crook who was in The Office, and went on to star in Pirates of The Caribbean, among other things. Now here’s a man who doesn’t look much like a film star.
What’s more, he was asked about his school days and admitted that he’d never performed in a school play, sung in a choir, or anything else. And yet here he is today, far more successful than 99.99% of people who have gone the performing arts route.
Go back more years than I like to admit, and while I was doing my A Levels at one college in Rotherham, another teenager was doing a welding course at another college just a mile down the road. His name was Sean Bean.
Like Mackenzie Crook, he’d never been in a school play or taken any interest in the performance arts up to this point. And yet he was about to become one of the most successful British actors of his generation.
What Crook and Bean have is that indefinable ‘something’ that trumps and overrides, ‘very good’. And that’s what you need if you’re to succeed in the most hotly competitive environments.
Because, as I’ve said many times, the vast majority of the spoils go to those at the top of the tree, and everyone else has to battle over the scraps that are left over.
The reward gap between the top and the next rung down is massive, and this is true in all fields. An almost imperceptible performance differential can have a huge impact on the rewards received. It’s true in the performing arts, sport, literature, business…everything.
I’ll repeat it. Very good, just isn’t good enough.
For most of us the implication is clear. We need to aim to be at the top of our own tree, and some trees are just going to be impossible for us to climb.
There are often far higher rewards to be had by climbing to the top of a small or peripheral tree, than getting close to the top of a much taller central one, that everyone else is trying to clamber up.
So do you have that ‘indefinable something’ you need to get to the top of the tree you’re currently trying to climb? Or are you just one of the many very good performers who will always fall short of where you really want to end up?
If you are, then it could be time to start looking for a different tree.
Kind Regards

John Harrison

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Very Best Wishes,