We look at a lot of unusual or off-beat ideas here but sometimes it’s easy to overlook something run-of-the-mill but lucrative.
There’s a seemingly endless market for cheap second hand cars, and a profit to be made by supplying them, particularly if you have some basic mechanical knowledge.
Often, the only difference between a car which can be bought for £500 and one that can be sold for £1,000 is a good clean/valet, and an improved advertisement and photographs.
Sell just a couple of cars each month like this and you could very easily make an extra £12,000 a year.
Not everyone is interested in cars of course, but if you are, this is a great way to combine business with pleasure.
Motivational Quote Of The Day
“If you deliberately plan on being less than you are capable of being, then I warn you you’ll be unhappy for the rest of your life.”

Abraham Maslow
Alternative Quote Of The Day
“I need cheering up. I lent my friend $8,000 for plastic surgery. Now I don’t know what he looks like.”

Emo Philips
Big Is Bountiful
The launch of a magazine for women that hit the news stands. Called ‘Just As Beautiful’, its aimed at curvy, plus sized women.
The rationale behind the launch is that the average dress size for women in the UK is 14 to 16 and yet there’s very little representation of larger women in the fashion media.
The aim of the magazine is to provide style and grooming information to ordinary women, without making them feel that they are outside of the norm.
I think they could on to something here. It seems crazy to market a product as only being applicable to a small minority of stick-thin women, whilst ignoring the majority. And yet that’s what seems to happen at the moment.
Both the fashion media and the designers they promote and support, tend to focus on a tiny (literally!), minority. With this new magazine, and even some top designers now dipping their toe into the plus size market, it looks like marketers are waking up.
There just have to be dozens of business opportunities hinging on a single thought. Instead of trying to make people thinner, what can we do to make them happier and more satisfied the way that they are?
Today’s National Day


My name is Michael White, and what I’d like to share with you now is a
total game-changer. With your permission, over the next few minutes I’ll
explain a money-loophole that could be your ticket to the laziest and
fastest retirement imaginable.
Please let me first put your mind at rest about a few things…
There’s no limit to the number of times you can use this under one person’s name. You could use this secret regularly…
. You DON’T need to already have a bank account with a
particular bank or building society.
. You DON’T need to have been mis-sold a pension or investment.
. You DON’T need to buy shares of a specific company or bank.
. You DON’T have to pay this money back- it’s NOT a loan. It’s
YOUR money, free and clear.
. You DON’T have to own a home, and you can use the money for
ANYTHING you like.
. You DON’T need a credit rating or be at any particular earnings
level or be on benefit.
. You DON’T need a computer or any technical know-how. You
could even place a call instead of make a few clicks if you don’t
have a computer.
NOBODY else knows this secret because I discovered it – through
the application of an ancient code. I will share it with you HERE for
legitimate reasons I’ll explain in a moment. And I guarantee you’ll
be stunned at how this powerful secret could force the banking
system into letting you retire early…
Take A Look HERE
Very Best Wishes,