Food supplements are big business throughout the western world, and it was only a matter of time before preventive medicine expanded to cover all members of the family …even the dog.
We’re already seeing advertisements for canine food supplements on mainstream TV, and to the casual observer, it would seem (perhaps as you might expect) that the rules and regulations on advertising claims aren’t anyway near as stringent as those for products created for human consumption.
As we’ve said here many times before, there seems no end to the amount of money people will spend on their pampered pooches.
It appears that the pet supplement business may have less barriers to entry than that for human supplements, so this could be worth some further investigation.
I think there’s an opportunity for someone to create a blockbuster product in this field, and the marketing angle will be the key.
I’m not suggesting this will be easy, but I am suggesting that there’s a fortune waiting to be made by someone here with the right idea. I’ll repeat – marketing will be the key that unlocks the fortune.
Motivational Quote Of The Day
“Victory belongs to the most persevering.

Naploleon Bonaparte
Alternative Quote Of The Day
“A big girl came up to me after a show and said ‘I think you’re fatist.’ I said ‘No,no. You’re fattest.”

Jimmy Carr
Persistence Pays
It’s easy to assume that the huge enterprises that make it big were lucky, or had it easy from the start. This is rarely the case.
In a recent TV interview, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos told how the company almost failed to get off the ground. Bezos says it took over 60 meetings to raise the million dollars the company needs to launch. In the end, the money came from 22 people who contributed $50,000 each.
How many people would have given up after 5, 10, 20, or 30 meetings? The truth is that the vast majority would. Bezos persisted and the result is there for all to see.
No matter how good your idea, it will only come to fruition with persistence. The world is rarely hanging around waiting for what you’re about to offer it, no matter how good that thing might be.
Today’s National Day

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Kind Regards

John Harrison