People are primarily lazy. I can say that without guilt, knowing that I fall fairly and squarely into that category myself! And many lucrative businesses have been built up which cash in on this common trait. is a US business, set up to help people either get speeding tickets dismissed, or to facilitate a smaller fine. It’s all done through a process called ‘trial by written declaration’ which is clearly offered on the back of every ticket issued.
Every driver could do this for themselves, but few bother. Instead they go to and get them to do the job for them. now has revenues in excess of $1 Million a year, and all from doing something which their customers could easily do for themselves.
One of the big mistakes I see a lot of would-be entrepreneurs making is discarding iseas and opportunities because they involve doing things that people can do for themselves, or can get done for free with a bit of effort.
The truth is that a significant proportion of any target market won’t do things for themselves and can’t be bothered to make a bit of effort. They’d rather pay someone else to do the job for them. It would be rude for you not to take their money!
“Do not wait to strike until the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking”
“Don’t stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.”
Motivatinal Quote Of The Day
“Do not wait to strike until the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking”

William B. Sprague
Alternative Quote Of The Day
“Don’t stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.”

George Burns
Your Personal Car Park
Sometimes, making some extra cash involves nothing more than making use of under-utilised resourses you already have. More than 150,000 people in the UK have made over £3 Million through a website where they can advertise their driveway as a temporary car park.
This is an ideal opportunity for anyone who lives in the city centre, near a railway station or close to a tourist attraction or sporting venue. In these locations, the option of parking on a private driveway is very attractive compared with the alternative of parking in a public car park with the associated issues of queues, cost, hassle and potential damage.
So if you have a driveway in the right location, why not take a look? It’s free to list your space and everything is organised through the site. You won’t make a fortune doing this, but you won’t have to do any work either.
Today’s National Day


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Best Wishes

John Harrison