I was talking to a friend last night who told me about one of those excruciatingly embarrassing incidents that all parents have to endure at some point. I think it’s the law.
He was at the supermarket check-out, and his 5-year-old daughter was watching carefully as the woman on the till scanned through their shopping.
Something was clearly puzzling his daughter as she watched the woman repeating the same task over and over as they chatted. Eventually, she could hold her curiosity no longer:
“Do you like your job?” she asked.
“No…not really,” said the woman, “…it’s a bit boring.”
There was a pause as the father became increasingly uneasy as he watched the cogs whirring in his daughters brain. The pause was short-lived…
“Does it pay a lot of money?” said the girl.
The woman on the checkout conceded that it did not.
By now, the father was all set to leave the store without his shopping rather than find out what was about to come next. But he didn’t get the chance. The daughter’s next question came all too quickly for that…
“Didn’t you try very hard at school?” she asked.
That story made me both wince at the embarrassment and laugh out loud, but there’s something else there as well. You see, here was a five-year-old who was desperately trying to understand why anyone would do a job that didn’t provide either satisfaction, or a lot of money.
And yet, there are vast swathes of the adult population who not only don’t question the logic of doing that, but also make it their life for year after year after year.
This is a short chapter, but it’s probably one of the most important. In all likelihood, nobody reading this book will still be alive and kicking 60 years from now. Many of us have a lot less time than that.
Why would any of us spend even one of those years doing a job which gave us neither satisfaction, nor the money to pursue a fulfilling life away from work? And isn’t it logical to strive for both?
You may not have ‘tried very hard at school’. A five-year-old wouldn’t know it ~ and you wouldn’t want to tell them ~ but it doesn’t matter. It’s no excuse. What matters is what you do from here on in – how you make the most of the hand you’ve been dealt, and played thus far.
If you find yourself working for poor wages in a job that gives you no satisfaction, surely you owe it to yourself to put at least one of those things right, and preferably both. At the risk of offending those with deep convictions, I believe the only second chances are in the here and now. And that means you need to do something positive now ~ today.
You can do it. Anyone can. But nothing can change until you take action.
Kind Regards

John Harrison

Dear Streetwise Customer
I hope that you and your family are well.
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Very Best Wishes,

John Harrison
Streetwise Publications
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