When Mike Michalowicz was trying to grow his first company he got locked in a cycle of make-sell-make-sell. Although he was making steady money, there was never much left over. His company was alive, but hardly a fortune maker.
That’s when he discovered an unlikely source of inspiration-pumpkin farmers! He tested this Pumpkin Plan on his own company and transformed it into a remarkable, multimillion-dollar industry leader. He’s now written a book about it. Here’s the gist of the plan…
1. Plant the right seeds; Don’t waste time doing lots of different things just to please your customers. Instead, identify the thing you do better than anyone else and focus all of your attention, money, and time on figuring out how to grow your company doing it.
2. Weed out the losers: In a pumpkin patch small, rotten pumpkins stunt the growth of the robust, healthy ones. The same is true of customers. Figure out which customers add the most value and provide the best opportunities for sustained growth. Then ditch the worst of the worst.
3. Nurture the winners: Once you figure out who your best customers are, look after them. Discover their unfulfilled needs, innovate to make their wishes come true, and over-deliver on every single promise.
Motivational Quote Of The Day
“It’s not the load that breaks you down; it’s the way you carry it.”

Lena Horne
Alternative Quote Of The Day

“Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?”
George Carlin
The Bicycle Library
Imagine you want to buy a new bicycle. There are hundreds of models to choose from, each with very different characteristics. Choose the wrong one and you can end up making an expensive mistake. That’s the scenario behind the launch of the London Bicycle Library.
The library is based on a double decker bus. The bus contains information and resource materials where visitors can research their choice, and also a wide selection of bicycles which they can try out, and even take home for a few days. If it’s a marriage made in heaven, they can the order their own bike, direct from the manufacturers via the library.
One of the greatest fears – and one of the greatest barriers to making a sale – in any market, is the fear of making a mistake. Anything which allows the customers to try-before-they-buy will ultimately be rewarded with increased sales.
So is there some way you could adapt or apply this concept to your business?
Today’s National Day


Dear Streetwise Customer,
I hope you’re keeping safe and well.
This offer is limited, so we are only make it available to our most valued Streetwise customers at the moment.
Back in the autumn, we alerted a few of our customers to a course, created by a guy making what seemed at the time to be an outrageous prediction.
He predicted the world would soon be gripped by a unprecedented crisis which would create a huge financial opportunity. Crazy eh?
Anyway the course revolved around a strategy which would enable anyone to make £2,803 a month to ‘tick over’ in normal times, but would then transform into a massive fortune maker once the implications of the predicted crisis hit.
Not many people (including me!) believed the prediction, but £2,800 a month is certainly worth having and a number of our customers got on the bandwagon and started doing well with it…and then the crisis came…sooner than anyone thought.
The big opportunity he planned for is about to hit, and I want as many of our customers as possible to benefit…but there’s a hitch.
For reasons explained when you take a look at the details here, I can only help NINE people at the moment. But those nine people are going to get something nobody else has been able to get up until today…
The full programme in one package and at a huge discount!
For full details take a look here.
Very Best Wishes,

John Harrison