One weekend, I sent out an email to our customers, promoting an excellent DVD comprising interviews with 12 property entrepreneurs who have bought and sold over a billion pounds worth of property between them. Amongst the replies, was one that I must have seen a thousand times over the years – or at least something very much like it. Here’s what it said:
“Can you please explain why you don’t take the advice of these people yourself and make your money, rather than selling DVDs at £50 a time. Sorry to be a sceptic, but this seems obvious.”
Now as I said, I’ve seen this sort of thing so many times, and I really shouldn’t be surprised. But I always am. I mean, would you ask the publishers of Jamie Oliver’s books why they don’t become chefs rather than selling books on how to cook? Would you ask the managing director of Haynes (the people who publish car repair manuals) why he doesn’t make his cash repairing 1988 Ford Escorts rather than selling manuals on how to do it?
I doubt it.
Now as it happens, I do make a lot of money in property, as well as publishing information on the subject. So I make money from both the business and the information. But that isn’t the case with everything that we sell. The clue is in our company name. We are publishers. It’s what we do for a living. It would be a pretty strange (and limited) business if we restricted ourselves to what interests me personally.
We sell some absolutely world-class products in the field of financial trading for example. Customers are making some very impressive incomes from it, but it doesn’t really interest me personally. I don’t get involved. But there are millions of people who do have a rabid interest (and would probably feel the same way about property as I do about trading) and we cater for that demand.
I’ve never made any secret of the fact that publishing is a very lucrative business, but it’s an ethical one too. If I happen to make £200,000 from selling information on financial trading, and you ‘only’ make £20,000 from the programme I sold you for £500, is that wrong or immoral?
I hope you’d say no…but if not, we definitely don’t understand each other! To me it’s a classic win-win situation. Simple as that.
The purpose of this article…aside from explaining why I don’t always practice what I preach…is to alert you to the opportunity you have to share your own knowledge and make a fortune. Most of us have information and knowledge that would be valuable to other people. Sell that information to enough people, and it can often earn you far more cash than the knowledge itself earned you in the first place.
It’s the power of multiplication at work.
For some reason, a lot of people seem to have a tough time understanding this, and I really don’t know why. If you have any comments or observations, I’d love to hear them. It might help me explain this better, the next time I’m asked the “Why don’t you…” question.

John Harrison

Dear Streetwise Customer,
“OMG, Ludlow 3:45…two horses to back. Bott N Brown WON at 25/1 !!! Average odds taken on Betfair exchange 80/1. I backed for £12 winning me £960. Can you please thank Bill for me.” G.B – 6th February 2020
“Many thanks. Thursday OMG Newcastle 5:30. Special Lady WON 50/1. Won £500.” G B – 7th February 2020
A couple of weeks ago we wrote to you about The Hermes Strategy, a unique approach to horse racing created by Bill Burrows. I’ve reproduced word for word, two emails I received recently from one of our customers who tried the strategy for the first time just a few days ago.
He just won £1,460 in two days!
Needless to say, he’s pleased!
Now we don’t get 80-1 and 50-1 winners every day (although it looks like we do at the moment!) but because this strategy looks at the whole thing from a VERY unusual angle, long odds winners come along pretty regularly alongside more mundane wins.
It all adds up to a great second income for anyone able to spend 7-10 minutes a day putting the strategy to work. For full details visit…
You could very easily be up and running and copying Bill within a few hours of reading about this. Everything you need is at your fingertips.
Kind Regards

John Harrison
Streetwise Publications
P.S. If you can find 7 minutes a day, you can do this for yourself.