I’ve recently come off the phone with Geoff Thompson (who wrote the Foreword to one of my books), and he told me the fascinating story of how he came to win his BAFTA Award.
Geoff had written a number of books and was keen to get into film, but just couldn’t get any interest. He’d knocked on all the right doors and gone down all the right channels – all to no avail. For whatever reason, he just couldn’t get started.
Anyway, his books were selling well and so he was on a signing tour of bookshops around the country. At one of these signings, he was approached by a young man – not yet out of his teens – who said he was hoping to get into journalism. Geoff gave him some advice and the young man asked whether he could have an interview for an article thar he hoped to sell to a magazine.
Now at this time Geoff was really busy with the tour, but he kept the young man’s details, and when he was visiting a town nearby a few weeks later, invited him over for an hour. The young man stayed for most of the day and in between getting information for the interview, pumped Geoff for more help and advice which he freely gave. No reward was given, and none was asked for.
I’m not sure whether that article ever saw the light of day, but here’s what did happen…
It turned out that the young man’s sister was a film producer. When she heard about Geoff, she contacted him to see whether she could make a documentary about his life. Geoff agreed and she got to know him – and to hear about his other work.
It was then that she asked him if he would like to make a short film. Geoff agreed, and set about creating something. The film was called Bouncer, and was nominated for a BAFTA. That led to another short film, ‘Brown Paper Bag’, which won the best short film award at the BAFTAs.
And it all came about because he took the time to help someone out, with no immediate promise or chance of recompense or reward. This was definitely a case of sending the elevator back down and Geoff got his reward in a totally unexpected way.
To make a big success in anything, you have to get out of the employee mindset – the one that demands a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work (the one that is constantly trying to match effort put in with rewards received). You have to move away from demanding an immediate return for your efforts, and refusing to do ‘something for nothing’.
You have to move towards a more holistic lifetime approach that says effort and reward are rarely in sync ~ that big rewards will come from the most unlikely sources ~ and conversely blood sweat and tears will often leave you empty-handed.
Geoff’s reward did indeed come from a very unlikely source. Big rewards have come from unlikely sources for me too ~ and it can be the same for you as well. But only if you open yourself up to the possibility…
And that can only happen when you stop analysing everything you do for its capacity to deliver instant gratification and recompense, and start doing things because they just seem like the right things to do.

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Best Wishes

John Harrison