A few years ago, I spent a few days in London and Birmingham on the set of the new film ‘Clubbed’. If you look at the movie website and the film poster, it says that I am Executive Producer – which is considerably less glamorous than it sounds – but I learned a lot from the whole experience. And it was great fun to be involved.
Anyway, one of the days on set was as a supporting actor (an ‘extra’, to you and me) and I spent much of the day doing the same thing over and over.
Needless to say, I didn’t have much of an idea what I was supposed to be doing. I couldn’t work out whether we were rehearsing or filming, and so I asked Colin Salmon, the actor who was in the scene with me. His reply contained an important message with wider implications I think:
“I don’t know,” he said. “I never concern myself with it…I just do it every time as if it’s a take. You never know what they’re going to use.”
Can you say you live your life like that – giving it 100% in every ‘scene?’ Or do you sometimes allow your game to slip when you think it’s not important…when nobody’s looking…or when you think the audience isn’t worthy of your very best effort? I know I’ve been guilty of that in the past.
Well I reckon what’s true on a film set, is true in life. You never really know when the important cameras are rolling ~ when you’re in a potentially life-enhancing situation, or in the company of people who have more to offer you than you could ever imagine. It’s only with the benefit of hindsight ~ when you see the film being played back ~ that you realise you missed a massive opportunity by assuming it didn’t matter, when it clearly did.
The only solution is to do what Colin Salmon does – start out with the assumption that every situation, every meeting, every interaction is a ‘take’~ the one that’s going to be used and may have a lasting impact on your future. Give it 100% every time.
When you do, there are massive benefits not just for you, but for everyone you come into contact with.
Kind Regards

John Harrison

“Here’s One Way To Make The Best Of This Crisis-
And Make A Healthy Ongoing Profit Into The Bargain!”
Dear Streetwise Customer,
If you’re anything like me, you’re totally sick of hearing about Covid-19.
And yet even if you’re not directly affected, it’s impacting on all our lives…And apart from a few people in the ‘right business’ it’s costing everyone money.
And yet there is a possible silver lining to this very ugly cloud.
What this current crisis has given a lot of us, is time…
Time to think, time to prepare and time to implement money making strategies which are totally immune to the mayhem going on.
Are you free during the evening between about 6.00pm and 9.00pm…’Soap Opera Alley’ when the TV is full of rubbish you don’t want to watch and you can’t really escape to the pub anymore?
Well if you are, I’d like to introduce you to a way to make £100-£200 an evening at home from your computer screen which anyone can learn fast – all while the masses are overdosing on Weatherfield and Walford doom and gloom.
As if we don’t have enough of that at the moment!
Let me just repeat, this method is immune to the financial mayhem we’re all currently experiencing. Not just immune…it actually thrives on it.
For full details, take a look HERE
This could be exactly what you need to fill both your time and your bank account in this very challenging period.
There’s no reason why you can’t come out of all this financially stronger than you went in, and have a money making strategy you can use for life.
Click HERE for more information
Kind Regards

John Harrison

P.S This Strategy works just as well in good times as it does in bad. Take a look today…