More Pet Businesses

Over the past couple of years, we’ve featured numerous pet-based businesses – primarily because there’s big money to be made. Here’s a round-up of a few more opportunities in the field which haven’t had a mention until now:

1. Pet Massage – It’s true, people will pay good money to have their pets massaged back to health, and the good news is you get no customer complaints!

2. Pooper Scooping – This business requires little more than a shovel, some black bags and the ability to tie a knot. What do they say…where there’s muck there’s brass!

3. Pet Photography – A great opportunity to combine two interests into a business, and sometimes pets are more photogenic and less cranky than their human counterparts.

4. Home Delivery of Pet Supplies – A lot of pet supplies are bulky and heavy. So offer pet owners time savings and convenience by delivering pet foods and products. Deliveries can be ‘one off’ or even better, on a subscription basis.

5. Pet-Parenting Tutoring – Not everyone is a natural pet parent. So there’s a need for someone to give lessons in pet selection, pet care and nutrition, safety, housing, training, and ongoing problems.

The great thing about this market is that it’s possible to combine one or more services so that a part-time business becomes a full time one. If you love animals, there really is nothing to stop you creating a profitable business from them.

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