So you don’t have children, but your friends or relatives do. You have to buy them Christmas and birthday presents, that’s where NeverMissGift comes in.
Site users register and then answer a few questions about the child they’re buying for, including age, gender and their budget. Any number of children can be added to a user’s profile, and NeverMissGift sends an email shortly before a birthday or special occasion comes up.
The company recommends its top gifts matching the child’s profile and customers who are happy with the selection don’t have to do anything-the gift is automatically sent to them or the intended recipient. The company also offer personalised wrapping for those choosing to send the gift straight to the child.
This is a US based service. Could the same service work here in the UK? I see no reason why not. Thinking more widely, could there be a gap in the market for a service designed to solve other gift buying problems-men buying for their wives or girlfriends for example? Something to think about.
Motivational Quote Of The Day
“Victory belongs to the most perservering.”

Naploleon Bonaparte
Alternative Quote Of The Day
“I grew up with six brothers. That’s how I learned to dance-waiting for the bathroom.”

Bob Hope
I’ll Have Vows With That
Speaking as someone who got married in Las Vegas, I’m probably the last person to comment on the wedding plans of other people. But even I would draw the line at what’s going on in Hong Kong, where you can now get married in your local Macdonalds.
In the West this would be seen as tacky, but Hong Kong is different. Many people there look on it with a sense of nostalgia relating to their student days, whereas here or in the United States it’s generally perceived to be a bit downmarket and certainly not suitable for the most important day of your life.
There are a couple of lessons and ideas to take from this. The first is that we can’t just assume that a business, service or project can be lifted wholesale and set running in another environment or culture. Things may be viewed in a completely different way there, so it’s important to do some research first.
And the second lesson is that it’s worth taking a hard look at the wedding market, wherever you are. Tastes and practices are changing which means that there are new opportunities opening up all the time. People spend small fortunes on their wedding. It would be nice to figure out a way to get hold of a share.
Today’s National Day

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John Harrison