Masks in black, the perennial fall-back for the stylish, are the new staple in the fashionable quarters of the French capital. Masks are now compulsory on public transport in Paris and the city’s fashionable residents have ditched the mass-market pale blue surgical ones for a dash of coronavirus chic.
When President Emmanuel Macron visited a school wearing a navy-blue mask with a small French flag on the trim, its manufacturer was flooded with calls the day after. The manufacturer, Bonneterie Chanteclair, had sent the president a mask on the off chance he might wear it.
The firm is now launching the model in 44 different shades; a limited edition of it with Breton stripes sold out in half an hour. Designer Erik Schaix sells couture masks in charcoal-grey denim and batik print. Celebrities are also jumping on the mask bandwagon.
Supermodel Cindy Crawford has “entertained” her 4.8 million Instagram followers with a tie-dye twinset of a mask and matching top. Actress Gwyneth Paltrow, who runs the wellness website Goop, has also matched her mask to her outfit – not to commute in, of course, but for a trip to the farmers’ market.
Motivational Quote Of The Day
“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own action.”

Dalai Lama
Alternative Quote Of The Day
“I am a marvelous housekeeper… Everytime I leave a man I keep his house!”

Zsa Zsa Gabor
It’s Been A Good Month For
Some UK and US hedge funds reaped a combined €1bn profit last month after their bets against German payment processor Wirecard, paid off with its dramatic collapse. Chris Hohn’s TCI Fund Management and David Greenspan’s New Yorkbased Slate Path Capital are among the winners, making estimated gains of €193m and €220m respectively in just a week.
Bosses at many FTSE-listed companies are back on full pay after taking a pay cut due to the pandemic’s effect on business. Foxtons, Persimmon, Severn Trent, Burberry and Bakkavor are among the companies to reinstate full salaries, a decision that has attracted scrutiny from investor groups and high-pay campaigners, particularly after the UK revealed the largest drop in gross domestic product on record and with millions of jobs at risk.
It’s Been A Bad Month For…
Kylie Jenner’s beauty company is being sued in a fresh blow for the reality show star, coming shortly after she was stripped of billionaire status by Forbes. The 22-year old’s beauty brand, Kylie Cosmetics, is being sued by Seed Beauty, which formerly produced her products. They claim Jenner’s recent deal with make-up group Coty, to whom she sold a 51% stake in her company for $600m, will leak their “tricks of the trade” to a competitor.
The slashing of interest rates to record lows of 0.1% has created the worst environment for savers since the financial crisis. In January the average individual savings account (Isa) paid 0.81%, but now the average rate is just 0.37%. The first half of 2020 now represents the poorest six-month period for savings since 2009.
Today’s National Day


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John Harrison
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