Imagine you were in danger of being sent to prison. It doesn’t bear thinking about does it? You’d feel frightened and vulnerable. You’d have little idea what to expect or how to deal with it. It’s this scenario that explains the growth of a little-known industry in the United States – prison consultancy.
A prison consultant is someone who has been to prison and ‘knows the ropes’. The role involves advising those facing jail on life ‘inside’ including personal safety, medical issues and coping day to day. High profile prisoners like Bernard Madoff have reportedly hired consultants.
I don’t know whether a similar service sector exist here in the UK, but if you are unfortunate enough to have experience of life inside, it could be something to think about. Thinking more widely though, this is further evidence of how you can turn a negative experience in your life into something positive.
Has something ‘bad’ happened to you. Could there be a business to be had in helping others avoid the same thing, cope with it if it happens?
Motivational Quote Of The Day
“The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn’t being said.”

Peter F Drucker
Alternative Quote Of The Day
“Honolulu, it’s got everything. Sand for the children, sun for the wife, sharks for the wife’s mother.”

Ken Dodd
Speed Dating For Baby Sitters
Given how vital it is that you get it right, it’s surprising how much time and care most people pay to selecting a babysitter. It’s often so difficult to find someone, that the first available person gets the job by default.
Katy Langhorst and Tara Harville-Fry from Danvers, Massachusetts have provided a solution to this problem in their own community by setting up SitterMixer.
Sitter Mixer organises events at which parents can interview 5-10 potential babysitters with a backdrop of marker-appropriate vendor stalls and refreshments. All the participants are eligible for door prizes and raffles. “The atmosphere is part cocktail party, part speed dating and part job flair,” Langhorst explained.
Parents and sitters both have to pre-register online. The fee is $39 for parents and $5 for sitters who must be 15 years old or older. The sitters fill out an application form.
The business is apparently doing very well, with several events already successfully completed. Can you see any reason why this wouldn’t work in your town? I can’t.
Today’s National Day


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Sound interesting?
You’re probably in a significant minority!
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Kind Regards

John Harrison

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