As you probably know, I have a property business and so spend a fair amount of time looking at property ad’s. Here’s something I’ve found. On the whole, the photography is appalling. It’s really quite amazing that an agent can be selling a property valued at hundreds of thousands of pounds, and yet they think it acceptable to present it via a few blurry iphone photographs, with no attempt to tidy up or find the best angles.
I’m not the world’s best photographer but always seem to be able to take attractive photographs of the properties we have for rent. It really isn’t hard, but you wouldn’t know it judged by the ‘it’ll do’ approach of many agents. There has to be an opening for someone to offer a photographic service to agents. You wouldn’t need expensive equipment – just a decent camera with a wide angle lens and some basic software to clean up your images.
If I was starting this business I’d contact a few agents and offer to re-photograph some of the properties they already had on their books, for free. From there, it should be fairly easy to sell them on the benefits of having better quality photo’s of what is the biggest purchase which most people will ever make.
Sale Or Return Business
Difficult economic times don’t just create problems, they generate opportunities too. One of those opportunities arises from the fact that suppliers are likely to be far more flexible in their approach – and far more open to ‘sale or return’ deals when times are tough.
If you can negotiate ‘sale or return’ deal with a wholesaler or other supplier, you start out with a huge advantage. You have no capital tied up in stock and no dead stock that you need to discount to dispose of. Anything you don’t sell simply goes back to the supplier.
One idea I saw recently was The Sale Or Return Mobile Unit. This is a mobile retail unit (or van to you and me!) which is stocked up with goods provided on a sale or return basis. There are two huge additional advantages to this approach – firstly there is no rent or rates to pay, and secondly the unit can be moved from location to location and stocked with merchandise to fit.
So one day it might be parked outside a football ground selling scarves, hats and football related items. The next day it could be parked near a busy retail area selling discounted clothes. The day after that, it could be packed motoring related products for a car show.
Get the idea? The key points are that everything is flexible, everything is sale or return and you can try out lots of different things without a great deal of cost or commitment.
Motivational Quote Of The Day
“Our biggest regrets are not for the things we have done but the things we haven’t done.”

Chad Michael Murray
Alternative Quote Of The Day
“I want my time to be taken up by chores, errands, appointments, and arguments. In other words, I want to get married.”

Jarod Kintz
Today’s National Day

This Will Make You Money, Guaranteed
I know, I know – It’s very big claim in that subject line.
But this really is one of the few extra income ideas where I genuinely believe you can use the word ‘Guaranteed’!
Look, I don’t want to beat about the bush with this.
I’ve had many years experience with these types of systems and this is one I can strongly recommend.
Take a look today:
Best Wishes

John Harrison