Thanks to the likes of eBay, buying second hand or used goods has never been as popular (or easy) as it is today. A lot of mainstream retailers are catching on to this now. You’ve been able to buy used books on Amazon for a long time now, but even primarily off-line businesses are getting in on the act. My favourite retailer, Ikea, have now set up a system to facilitate customers disposing of their second hand furniture.
At first glance, this seems counter-intuitive, but there is a logic to it. Having the option to buy used (and cheaper) second hand furniture will draw more people to the company website, as well as improving customer goodwill. And of course, sometimes a customer needs to dispose of an old piece of furniture before they’re able to buy a new one.
Is there some way you could facilitate your customers disposing of the products they no longer need or want, and if there is, would it help or hinder your business? It’s a question worth asking.
Motivational Quote Of The Day
“Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.”

Dr Seus
Alternative Quote Of The Day
“Everything is funny, as long as it’s happening to somebody else.”

Will Rogers
Become An Image Consultant
Many people bemoan their lack of qualifications or experience and yet there are many businesses and projects you can start with little more than a bit of ‘front’.
Take Image Consultant as an example.
If you have an eye for design and a basic understanding of colour and fashion, a career as an image consultant may be little more than a website away. Personal appearance seems to becoming increasingly important, both socially and in the workplace, and many people are insecure about the way they look. An image consultant is often brought in to revamp a wardrobe, give a makeover for an important event or totally revamp an image.
If fashion and design is an area you’re comfortable in, this could be worth researching in detail. There’s money in vanity!
Today’s National Day


Shock Discovery
Ancient Code Cracks the Banks…
Proven: An 82.4% Chance Of A
£55,250 Windfall
With Just A Few Clicks…Legally.
Here’s Why I’m Discreetly Allowing
181 People To Use My Windfall Secret…
My name is Michael White, and what I’d like to share with you now is a total game-changer. With your permission, over the next few minutes I’ll explain a money-loophole that could be your ticket to the laziest and fastest retirement imaginable.
Please let me first put your mind at rest about a few things…
. There’s no limit to the number of times you can use this under one person’s name. You could use this secret regularly…
. You DON’T need to already have a bank account with a particular bank or building society.
. You DON’T need to have been mis-sold a pension or investment.
. You DON’T need to buy shares of a specific company or bank.
. You DON’T have to pay this money back- it’s NOT a loan. It’s YOUR money, free and clear.
. You DON’T have to own a home, and you can use the money for
ANYTHING you like.
. You DON’T need a credit rating or be at any particular earnings level or be on benefit.
. You DON’T need a computer or any technical know-how. You could even place a call instead of make a few clicks if you don’t have a computer.
NOBODY else knows this secret because I discovered it – through the application of an ancient code. I will share it with you HERE for legitimate reasons I’ll explain in a moment. And I guarantee you’ll be stunned at how this powerful secret could force the banking system into letting you retire early…
Take A Look HERE
Very Best Wishes,