Not every product is attractive in either appearance or function. Many fall into the yucky-but-necessary category. So how do you go about selling them? The makers of Naposure, a saline product designed to wash out a mucus laden nose, (apologies if you’re eating!) faced just this problem.
Their solution was to soften the whole thing by using attractive children in the advertisements, demonstrating the product. The cute and funny videos they made seemed to do the trick of making an unglamorous product visually attractive to the target market.
It’s a trick that toilet paper manufacturers have used for decades of course. What Labrador puppies have to do with the quality and effectiveness of Andrex is anyone’s guess, but they serve the function of making the product attractive, while very subtly conveying the benefits.
Perhaps if your product lacks a little glamour, you could think about making it more attractive and appealing by associating it in customer’s minds with something more acceptable. Something o give some thought to.
As an aside, I just discovered that toilet paper was first marketed in the United States just 150 years ago, and up until that point in time, everyone made ‘alternative arrangements’. Just give some thought to that the next time you’re bemoaning the fact that some modern day luxury you’ve become accustomed to isn’t working quite the way it should!
Motivational Quote Of The Day
“Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears.”

John Lennon
Alternative Quote Of The Day
“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it.”

W.C Fields
What’s New?
Almost every would-be entrepreneur I speak to is looking for something ‘new’…a product or service nobody has thought of before. But what exactly is ‘new’, and is this a realistic ambition?
In the early part of the twentieth century, long before the internet, The Boston Globe had an instant real time news feed product, backed by advertising. Breaking news was chalked up on huge boards and placed in the newsroom window which backed onto the street.
The news was usually conveyed by a headline (140 characters or less!) and behind it were paid advertisements. In addition telegraphed communications of boxing matches or football matches was shouted out by employees using loud hailers, round by round or play to an eager audience. Early multimedia in action!
Okay, it’s not quite Twitter, but the point I’m making is that the demand for news of events as they happened was always there, and there was a product to fill the demand. What’s available on the internet today is just a modern day manifestation of a product meeting the same demand.
Rather than looking for something completely new and unique, a more fruitful route to a lucrative business opportunity might be to look at what was popular in the past, and then how it can be given a modern twist. Technology changes, but underlying inbuilt human needs wants and desires do not.
Today’s National Day

This Will Make You Money, Guaranteed
I know, I know – It’s very big claim in that subject line.
But this really is one of the few extra income ideas where I genuinely believe you can use the word ‘Guaranteed’!
Look, I don’t want to beat about the bush with this.
I’ve had many years experience with these types of systems and this is one I can strongly recommend.
Take a look today:
Best Wishes

John Harrison