With the job market becoming ever more competitive, candidates need to do whatever they can to secure an all-important edge. You can get someone to help with the application process, but what about the interview itself?
Certainly there are plenty of books available on interview technique, but there’s no substitute for practice.
If you have experience of interviewing people, it seems there’s an opportunity to set up a service providing mock interviews. In fact you needn’t necessarily have the interview experience yourself. You could act as a co-ordinator- subcontracting the interviewing to specialists in the field in which candidates are seeking work.
So for example, you could recruit a panel of interviewers from the fields of accountancy, law, sales, marketing, engineering, retail etc who would be paid a fee to put your customers through a mock interview.
This is a service which could be set up without a great deal of outlay, and with minimal space requirements. All you’d need is a small office.
Motivational Quote Of The Day
“Make it happen now, not tomorrow. Tomorrow is a loser’s excuse.”

Andrew Fashion
Alternative Quote Of The Day
“I went out with this girl the other night, she wore this real slinky number…She looked great going down the stairs.”

Milton Jones
More Direct Sales Good News
We’ve discussed before how direct sales organisations like Avon are enjoying a boom in sales and a big rise in the number of agents. Further evidence of the trend is supplied via Mary Kay cosmetics in the United States who signed up a record 165,000 new freelance sales reps.
This seems to be a change precipitated by the economic downturn-people are looking for a low-hassle way to make some extra money and companies like these provide it.
From the companies point of view, it’s also good news. They get a company representative who doesn’t earn a penny until they sell, plus access to all their contacts.
Might the direct sales agent business model be applicable to your business, venture or idea. If so, then now would be a good time to put it to the test.
Today’s National Day


“Here’s One Way To Make The Best Of This Crisis-
And Make A Healthy Ongoing Profit Into The Bargain!”
Dear Streetwise Customer,
If you’re anything like me, you’re totally sick of hearing about Covid-19.
And yet even if you’re not directly affected, it’s impacting on all our lives…And apart from a few people in the ‘right business’ it’s costing everyone money.
And yet there is a possible silver lining to this very ugly cloud.
What this current crisis has given a lot of us, is time…
Time to think, time to prepare and time to implement money making strategies which are totally immune to the mayhem going on.
Are you free during the evening between about 6.00pm and 9.00pm…’Soap Opera Alley’ when the TV is full of rubbish you don’t want to watch and you can’t really escape to the pub anymore?
Well if you are, I’d like to introduce you to a way to make £100-£200 an evening at home from your computer screen which anyone can learn fast – all while the masses are overdosing on Weatherfield and Walford doom and gloom.
As if we don’t have enough of that at the moment!
Let me just repeat, this method is immune to the financial mayhem we’re all currently experiencing. Not just immune…it actually thrives on it.
For full details, take a look HERE
This could be exactly what you need to fill both your time and your bank account in this very challenging period.
There’s no reason why you can’t come out of all this financially stronger than you went in, and have a money making strategy you can use for life.
Click HERE for more information
Kind Regards

John Harrison

P.S This Strategy works just as well in good times as it does in bad. Take a look today…