On the face of it, fishing seems a pretty simple activity – you need a rod, a line and some bait. Okay, there’s a bit more to it than that, but like all activities with a big following, it’s attracted the attention of a host of entrepreneurs, keen to cash in on the fact that participants are prepared to pay a lot for something they think will give them an edge.
The latest thing I’ve seen is something called the Fish Eyes Rod and Reel. Google it if you’re interested, but what the product does in essence, is place a small camera right above the bait, so you can see when the fish is about to bite.
Needless to say this is an American idea, and it sells for less than $80, which seems cheap to me. Not sure if this is available in the UK yet, but it sounds like it’s something that would sell well.
When you’re looking for an opportunity to make money, always look at the markets first and products second. Activities like Golf and fishing are ideal because of the large number of participants. Launching a product aimed at lacrosse players would be more tricky!
Motivational Quote Of The Day
“I honestly think it is better to be a failure at something you love than to be a success at something you hate.”

George Burns
Alternative Quote Of The Day
“ I don’t think my wife likes me very much, when I had a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance.”

Frank Carson
Restaurant Cooking Classes
There are a number of restaurants in the US which utilise the ‘down time’ in their kitchens (usually mornings) to run cooking classes for the public. It makes perfect sense.
There’s no need to set up a special classroom-everything you need is already in situ, and it makes additional use of an under-used resource. We can take a couple of things from this I think.
The first thing to consider is whether you could organise or co-ordinate, something similar here in the UK. There are thousands of restaurants with spare capacity which would welcome the additional revenue that something like this would bring.
No need to own a restaurant yourself. You could simply market the courses and reach an arrangement with restaurateurs in your area.
The second thing to consider is the wider issue of spare capacity. Do you have spare capacity or an under-utilised resource in your business, and could you make some additional revenue by renting it out during slack periods?
Today’s National Day


Dear Streetwise Customer,
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John Harrison

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