When someone else dies, those left behind are left with a multitude of problems, while still coping with the inevitable grief. Most deal with it in a piecemeal way – consulting with lawyers, bankers, public utilities, local and national authorities, auctioneers and house clearance companies…and even then do a great deal of work themselves.
So what if there was a ‘one stop shop’ where someone separated from the emotion of the situation, could handle everything in a systematic fashion – making sure that all parties were correctly notified, all legalities completed correctly, and all goods and chattels distributed and disposed of in the most efficient and cost-effective manner.
Done correctly, it’s a service that could easily pay for itself, just by ensuring that everything was dealt with in the most economic fashion.
I don’t know whether such a service exists, but if it does, it hasn’t reached my consciousness, so maybe it’s not marketed too well. I really believe there’s a market for this, and anyone with good organisational and trading skill could cash in while carrying out a valuable service.
Motivational Quote Of The Day
“I accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.”

Michael Jordan
Alternative Quote Of The Day
“I haven’t spoken to my mother-in-law for eighteen months. I don’t like to interrupt her.”

Ken Dodd

Second Hand Profits
Thanks to the likes of eBay, buying second hand or used goods has never been as popular (or easy) as it is today. A lot of mainstream retailers are catching on to this now. You’ve been able to buy used books on Amazon for a long time now, but even primarily off-line businesses are getting in on the act. My favourite retailer, Ikea, have now set up a system to facilitate customers disposing of their second hand furniture.
At first glance, this seems counter-intuitive, but there is a logic to it. Having the option to buy used (and cheaper) second hand furniture will draw more people to the company website, as well as improving customer goodwill. And of course, sometimes a customer needs to dispose of an old piece of furniture before they’re able to buy a new one.
Is there some way you could facilitate your customers disposing of the products they no longer need or want, and if there is, would it help or hinder your business? It’s a question worth asking.
Today’s National Day


Dear Streetwise Customer,
“OMG, Ludlow 3:45…two horses to back. Bott N Brown WON at 25/1 !!! Average odds taken on Betfair exchange 80/1. I backed for £12 winning me £960. Can you please thank Bill for me.” G.B – 6th February 2020
“Many thanks. Thursday OMG Newcastle 5:30. Special Lady WON 50/1. Won £500.” G B – 7th February 2020
A couple of weeks ago we wrote to you about The Hermes Strategy, a unique approach to horse racing created by Bill Burrows. I’ve reproduced word for word, two emails I received recently from one of our customers who tried the strategy for the first time just a few days ago.
He just won £1,460 in two days!
Needless to say, he’s pleased!
Now we don’t get 80-1 and 50-1 winners every day (although it looks like we do at the moment!) but because this strategy looks at the whole thing from a VERY unusual angle, long odds winners come along pretty regularly alongside more mundane wins.
It all adds up to a great second income for anyone able to spend 7-10 minutes a day putting the strategy to work. For full details visit…
You could very easily be up and running and copying Bill within a few hours of reading about this. Everything you need is at your fingertips.
Kind Regards

John Harrison
Streetwise Publications
P.S. If you can find 7 minutes a day, you can do this for yourself.