Imagine you want to buy a new bicycle. There are hundreds of models to choose from, each with very different characteristics. Choose the wrong one and you can end up making an expensive mistake. That’s the scenario behind the launch of the London Bicycle Library.
The library is based on a double decker bus. The bus contains information and resource materials where visitors can research their choice, and also a wide selection of bicycles which they can try out, and even take home for a few days. If it’s a marriage made in heaven, they can order their own bike, direct from the manufacturers via the library.
One of the greatest fears – and one of the greatest barriers to making a sale – in any market, is the fear of making a mistake. Anything which allows the customers to try-before-they-buy will ultimately be rewarded with increased sales. So is there some way you could adapt or apply this concept to your business?
Motivational Quote Of The Day
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”

Oscar Wilde
Alternative Quote Of The Day
“One night she told me to put out the garbage. I told her “you cooked it, you take it out”.

Rodney Dagerfield
Grooming Is Booming
Speaking as someone whose personal grooming routine consists of a shower and a shave, this isn’t something I can empathise with, but the market for men’s grooming tools and products is booming. A recent report found double digit growth in some segments of the market.
Of all the advantages you can have when starting a new business, one of the most critical is a ‘following wind’. Yes, you can succeed in a mature market or even one that’s declining, but you’ll make it so much easier for yourself if you start out with the advantage of rapid growth of the market as a whole.
If you’re looking to go into a business with ‘real products’ you could do far worse than do some research into the market for men’s cosmetics. Research suggests that the market is set to continue to grow for some time yet. It might even get to me one day!
Today’s National Day

Are you worried you’re going ot have to “work until you drop”?
Are you tired of working all day, every day to make someone else rich when it’s
YOU who should be the one becoming wealthy?
Ian once shared that grief, but now he never has to worry about money again…
Here’s a PROVEN way to make enough money to retire on as soon as you
want, never work again and enjoy a fabulous income for life.
And it’s not like you even have to quit your job if you don’t want. You can keep
your regular paycheque coming in if you’d like while you follow the specific steps of this blueprint in your spare time.
Let us show you everything about this when you click the link below:
Best Wishes

John Harrison