Tag Archives: Streetwise Bulletins

Hot Bodies

I’ve noticed that after the weekend, our office is always several degrees colder than it is later in the week, even though the heating has been left on. Increased computer activity plays a part, but so does human activity. The staff come into the office, they give off body heat and it warms the building. 

Now this is happening everywhere. The amount of heat energy given off by the population must be huge. So is there a way to harness it? It turns out that there is.

Over 200,000 people pass through Stockholme’s Central station each day. Jernhusen, a property company given the job of remodelling the station, have come up with a way of transferring the heat generated by all these people to an office building across the road.

The stations ventilation system includes heat exchangers which convert all this heat energy into hot water. It’s reported that the result is a 25% reduction in the buildings energy costs.

Needless to say, green energy is on everyone’s agenda at the moment, and initiatives like this are likely to be on the increase. Perhaps something to invest in, or even participate in for those with the skills and resources.

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“Be nice to people on the way up, because you may meet them on the way down.”

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Jimmy Durante

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“I phoned the local gym and I asked if they could teach me how to do the splits. He said, “How flexible are you?” I said, “I can’t make Tuesdays.”

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Tim Vine

The Folly Of Fame

The internet age has thrown up something never seen before, businesses set up with little or no thought to revenue and profits. The success of companies like Twitter and Facebook has caused a lot of would-be entrepreneurs to take their eye off the ball. They are exceptions. For most of us, we have to focus on making a profit. 

Likes, views, members, users, followers and friends are fine but they don’t pay for groceries. At some point – and preferably from day one – you need to develop a very clear idea how any ‘fame’ you’re able to create, will convert into money in the bank. If it won’t convert into cash, you don’t have a business – you have a hobby.

Today’s National Day

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Welcome To Your Very Own Money Machine…

For Full Details Click Here

  All the best for now 

  John Goldsmith

The Virtual Bridge

People are spending an increasing amount if their time online at sites like Facebook and Twitter. Much of their social life now takes place in the virtual world, but that doesn’t mean that they’ve dispensed with the physical world (and physical products altogether).

In fact there’s a growing market for products and services which form a link between the on and off line worlds.

Facebook users can already use their online content to make tangible products like mugs, photo albums and notebooks. A recent addition to what’s possible is Social book, which is a hardcopy 8.5”x 11.5” book cataloguing the buyers Facebook history and content.

The need and desire to convert online content into a tangible real-world product is a trend that is likely to grow. So how might you help people to bridge the gap between the real and virtual worlds?

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“There are no regrets in life. Just lessons.”


Jennifer Aniston

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“Woman are like cars: we all want a Ferrari, sometimes want a pickup truck, and end up with a station wagon.”

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Tim Allen

Tantalising Toes 

False finger nails are an established product, but what about toes? Six years ago, Maria Bariles dropped a box on her foot and lost her big toenail. It was summer and she wanted to wear open toed shoes.

She came up with the idea of using an adhesive which could be painted along be painted along with the rest of her toenails. This was the start of her business, Nail Creations – Appealing While Healing.

There must be a lot of woman in this position. Even if they haven’t lost a nail, they may be unhappy with the look or shape of them. I don’t know how well this problem is catered for here in the UK (Maria Bariles business is in the US), but it could be worthy of further investigation.

Today’s National Day

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secret eighth.png

Welcome To Your Very Own Money Machine…

For Full Details Click Here

  All the best for now 

  John Goldsmith

Buying Cash At A Discount

If you could buy £1 coins for 80p, do you think you’d make money? Of course you would, but who would be foolish enough to sell you £1 coins for 80p. Well before you answer, consider the following story from Havana, Cuba. 

Alongside the queue for one of the busiest bus routes in town is a man with a large tin box, and he is buying 1 peso notes for 80 cents. He has plenty of customers. Why? Well the bus fare is 40 cents, but you can’t get change.

So if you don’t have the exact money, the only alternative is to put in the whole peso…60 cents more than is required. By accepting 80 cents for the peso, passengers are able to save 40 cents while the vendor makes 20 cents. 

There are a couple of lessons here I think: 

If the circumstances fall into place, it’s often possible to persuade people to do some totally counter-intuitive things.

You can find some pretty astonishing win-win deals if you think outside of the box.

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“Work gives you meaning and purpose. Life is empty without it.”

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Stephen Hawking

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“My hamster died today…he fell asleep at the wheel.”


Will Ferrell

Better Beetroot 

I’ve read a number of reports recently, about the health benefits of beetroot juice. But I haven’t bought any because I really don’t like the taste. Perhaps Unbeetable provide a solution.

The US based company manufacture a Beetroot based drink which they say has all the health benefits, but with a much more palatable taste. There are a couple of things to take from this I think. 

Could you create your own ‘Better Beetroot’ product. If so, there could be a big UK market for it.

Western consumers are increasingly health conscious, but the things that are good for us are rarely those that taste the best. There has to be a market for anyone who can produce an improved taste version of the things that are said to be good for us.

Today’s National Day

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Dear Streetwise Customer, 

     This is not illegal. Perfectly legitimate. It’s all perfectly above-board. 

                                 Why isn’t everyone doing this? 

   I have no idea. Anyone can. You just need to be bothered. Anyone could, but most people don’t, because they either aren’t motivated, or don’t know how, or are too sceptical by nature to believe it’s possible. 

  If you find yourself having to live and work a little more remotely in the coming weeks and months then now is the time to take a look. 

  Available now for the first time as a fast digital download. 

  For more information on something that’s simple, and easy to use from the comfort of your own home CLICK HERE. 

  Very Best Wishes, 

john sig.png

  John Harrison
Streetwise Publications

P.S. This comes with a 100% cast iron money back
. There is absolutely no risk to you to take a look.


Burgers, Beers And Shears

This is another example of how combining three commonplace elements can create a whole new concept. We’ve all been to a restaurant, a bar and a hairdresser, but not an establishment that combines all three.

Moe’s BarBar Shop (Geddit) is another innovative US idea. It’s part bar, part restaurant and part barber shop. It’s a place, according to owner Lance Lumpiesz, where a man can “cut his locks and have a scotch on the rocks.”

Will it work? I don’t know, but there’s a lot to be said for creating a business where one element feeds off the customers for the other. If you use the bar/restaurant I think you’re far more likely to also have your hair cut there and vice versa.

I really like these combination businesses and the number of combinations is almost endless. That doesn’t mean that a cup cake and fishing tackle emporium would work out, but there have to be plenty of combinations that would.

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“I don’t judge others. I say if you feel good with what you’re doing, then do it.”

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Sarah Jessica Parker

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“In Hollywood, brides keep the bouquets and throw away the groom.”

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Groucho Marx

Flat Flowers

On the occasions I have arranged for flowers to be delivered, one thought always dominates – will the recipient be at home to receive them?

It’s a common problem, and the issue behind the business idea of Bloom and Wild, a company that deliver flowers in letterbox sized packaging. The advantage is obvious – the recipient doesn’t need to be home to receive the flowers.

I don’t know exactly how this works , and it must certainly restrict the flowers that can be included, but it does overcome one of the big problems with sending flowers, and may well encourage to use the Bloom & Wild service rather than a competitor.

So are there other products which could be redesigned or repackaged to fit through a letterbox? And if you did that, would it prove a competitive advantage? Something to think about.

Today’s National Day

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narc1 (1) download.png

Dear Streetwise Customer, 

     This is not illegal. Perfectly legitimate. It’s all perfectly above-board. 

                                 Why isn’t everyone doing this? 

   I have no idea. Anyone can. You just need to be bothered. Anyone could, but most people don’t, because they either aren’t motivated, or don’t know how, or are too sceptical by nature to believe it’s possible. 

  If you find yourself having to live and work a little more remotely in the coming weeks and months then now is the time to take a look. 

  Available now for the first time as a fast digital download. 

  For more information on something that’s simple, and easy to use from the comfort of your own home CLICK HERE. 

  Very Best Wishes, 

john sig.png

  John Harrison
Streetwise Publications

P.S. This comes with a 100% cast iron money back
. There is absolutely no risk to you to take a look.


Miss Army Knife

It’s not always necessary to start from scratch to create a winning product or service. Sometimes all you need to do is take an existing product, and adapt it for a new market.

We’ve all heard of the Swiss Army Knife. The Miss Army Knife looks very similar, except it’s pink and when you open its blades you find things like tweezers, nail files and safety pins.

The Swiss Army knife is mainly bought by men. The Miss Army knife uses the same idea but applies it to the other half of the population. Not a bad market.

I think it’s worth looking at products which are primarily created for, and sold to, one sex or the other, and then thinking about whether a version for the opposite sex might find a ready market.

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”


C S Lewis

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“Alcohol may be man’s worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy.”

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Frank Sinatra

Divorce Invitation

We’ve all received a wedding invitation at some time or other, but I doubt there are many of us that have received an invitation to a divorce. If an idea from Japan takes off here, that may be set to change.

A new business has been set up in Tokyo, which helps people to celebrate their divorce in much the same way that we currently celebrate weddings. At the moment, Japan and South Korea are the only countries where untying the knot is marked by some kind of ceremony.

Is this something I’d recommend you dive into here? Probably not at the moment (Given the number of fights that start at weddings, a divorce reception hardly bears thinking about!) but who knows in the future.

In any event though, I think it’s an idea which would be guaranteed to generate a huge amount of free publicity, and that could be a worthwhile outcome in itself – provided you have other businesses or projects which could benefit from the exposure.

Today’s National Day

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narc1 (1) download.png

Dear Streetwise Customer, 

     This is not illegal. Perfectly legitimate. It’s all perfectly above-board. 

                                 Why isn’t everyone doing this? 

   I have no idea. Anyone can. You just need to be bothered. Anyone could, but most people don’t, because they either aren’t motivated, or don’t know how, or are too sceptical by nature to believe it’s possible. 

  If you find yourself having to live and work a little more remotely in the coming weeks and months then now is the time to take a look. 

  Available now for the first time as a fast digital download. 

  For more information on something that’s simple, and easy to use from the comfort of your own home CLICK HERE. 

  Very Best Wishes, 

john sig.png

  John Harrison
Streetwise Publications

P.S. This comes with a 100% cast iron money back
. There is absolutely no risk to you to take a look.
