Tag Archives: Streetwise Bulletins

A Loan To Help You Bounce Back

Businesses that have borrowed relatively modest sums through the government-backed Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) could dramatically reduce their interest costs by, switching to the Bounce Back loans facility.

Ministers launched the Bounce Back scheme several weeks into the Covid19 crisis, responding to criticisms that smaller businesses were struggling to access cash through CBILS. By then, however, many businesses had secured finance through the original scheme. 

Both schemes are administered through the banks, with the state underwriting the loans. Crucially, however, Bounce Back loans come with an interest rate set by the government at 2.5% a year, while with CBILS, lenders set their own rates; many are charging 6% a year or more! The maximum Bounce Back loan is £50,000, so for businesses that have borrowed less than this from CBILS, it makes sense to switch.

The Bounce Back loan scheme isn’t open to businesses that have already secured finance from CBILS, but there is an exception for firms borrowing in order to pay off a CBILS loan in full. Your bank should be able to help you refinance.

The government has pledged to keep the Bounce Back loan scheme open for applications until 4 November. Both Bounce Back loans and CBILS carry no interest charges or fees in year one, so for businesses confident about repaying CBILS there may be no need to switch.

However, for any business that expects to begin incurring interest, moving scheme makes more sense. On the maximum £50,000 Bounce Back loan, interest charges will cost £1,250 a year from year two onwards. Assuming an interest rate of 6%, the same loan from CBILS will cost £3,000 a year to service

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”


C S Lewis       

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“Age is something that doesn’t matter, unless you are cheese.”


Luis Bunuel

Shares We’re Buying This Month 

While Main Street retail banks contend with shaky consumer confidence and ultra-low interest rates, the trading arms of investment banks help them to profit from loose monetary policy.

Surging corporate debt issuance is good for the underwriting operation and merger activity may pick up later this year. Unpredictable earnings and the Malaysian 1MDB scandal remain problems, but Goldman Sachs Group appears well-placed to profit from the current market environment. 

Struggling high streets and empty offices mean that real-estate companies are firmly out of fashion, but that has created some serious bargains to be had. Harworth Group, the land and property regeneration group trades on a reasonable 35% discount to net asset value.

Harworth invests in about 100 residential, industrial and logistics sites across the north of England and the Midlands. That diversification should leave it well-placed however the postpandemic future of work and e-commerce ultimately develops.

Today’s National Day

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Dear Streetwise Customer,

I’ve already written to you a couple of times about this cash generating system.

This time though, I’m not going to tell you how good this is. I’m going to let our customers do it instead!

Here are just some of the comments we’ve received recently…

(Incidentally, all of these comments are completely unsolicited and the original copies are held on file at our offices and are available for inspection.)

To get the full story take a couple of minutes to read visit the website below and read the message from David Houghton who figured this out. It reveals this extraordinary opportunity in detail.

Take A Look Now By Visiting:


There is absolutely No Risk to you in taking a look at this. The whole
thing comes with a full Cast Iron Money Back Guarantee.  All the best for now

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John Harrison
Streetwise Publications

PS. Just for good measure here are Mike Pears comments on the A Minus B System:

“O.k. – here are my updates on the A-B System up to my trading week 51. These are all to level stakes. 

Week 40 – w/c 16/2 – loss of 16 pts
Week 41 – w/c 23/2 – profit of 37 pts
Week 42 – w/c 2/3 – loss of 2 pts
Week 43 – w/c 9/3 – profit of 80 pts
Week 44 – w/c 16/3 – profit of 37 pts
Week 45 – w/c 23/3 – profit of 75 pts
Week 46 – w/c 30/3 – profit of 38 pts
Week 47 – w/c 6/4 – loss of 51 pts
Week 48 – w/c 13/4 – profit of 62 pts
Week 49 – w/c 20/4 – profit of 30 pts
Week 50 – w/c 27/4 – profit of 144 pts
Week 51 – w/c 4/5 – loss of 45 pts

Total Level stakes profit is 1,821 pts which averages 36.42 per week… A £1,000 starting bankusing 0.1% stakes, now stands at £5,569.”

Have Diamonds Lost Their Sparkle?

With investors fleeing for safe haven assets, now is the time for gold to shine. Diamonds, on the other hand, have lost their sparkle. In March, when stocks were plumbing new depths in the coronavirus crisis, the price for a single diamond carat fell by 6.8%. But the woes facing the industry actually go beyond the current crisis. Over the year, the single-carat price is down by 13.1%.

What’s going on?

Well, for starters, Covid-19 has exacerbated an existing problem. India, where 90% of the world’s rough diamonds by volume are cut and polished, is in lockdown. That has resulted in a 50% drop in diamond exports from this processing hub.

For an industry that depends on being able to dig jewels out of a mine from Canada to Angola, fly them to the trading hubs of Antwerp or Botswana, and sell them to wealthy, hopeful consumers from London to New York and Beijing, coronavirus has been a fiasco.

With shops shut and people losing their jobs in, say, the US, the world’s biggest consumer market for diamonds, but also in Europe, and China, where the market is growing, diamond prices can be expected to fall further – by 15% or more this year.

De Beers cancelled its latest sale after witnessing a 28% year-on year drop in sales, and it’s been a similar story for its rivals.

But even before the coronavirus outbreak, the market had been in a sorry state owing to a glut, coupled with declining marriage rates among millennials. London-listed Petra Diamonds, already crippled by debt, has also had scant recent success at its famous Cullinan diamond mine in South Africa.

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.”

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            Napoleon Hill         

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“As a child my family’s menu consisted of two choices; take it or leave it.”

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Buddy Hackett

That, in itself, wouldn’t be so bad for diamond merchants. Scarcity in other markets leads to higher prices. But the diamond market has had to contend with “fakes”.

In fact, artificial diamonds are not fakes – they have the same chemical and physical properties as their earth-born brethren. They are just “grown” in a lab. They are also cheaper to produce, free of any historical and ethical taint and, in theory, are potentially greener. 

Colour, in the literal sense, is important for collectors, as coloured diamonds are among the most sought-after – and few more so than the pink diamonds from Rio Tinto’s Argyle mine in western Australia. Most mines will be lucky to unearth one pink in the entire haul; at Argyle, it’s about one pink carat for every 1,000 carats mined.

They are also consistently of the highest caliber, with a strong, pure, intense shade. But the mine, which gave the world around 90% of its pink diamonds, has given up all but its last 150 or so carats. It is set to close later this year.

Demand has been rising, however. So coveted are Argyle pink diamonds that it’s been rumoured Rio Tinto could end up selling the Argyle name.

Today’s National Day

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Dear Streetwise Customer,

I’ve already written to you a couple of times about this cash generating system.

This time though, I’m not going to tell you how good this is. I’m going to let our customers do it instead!

Here are just some of the comments we’ve received recently…

(Incidentally, all of these comments are completely unsolicited and the original copies are held on file at our offices and are available for inspection.)

To get the full story take a couple of minutes to read visit the website below and read the message from David Houghton who figured this out. It reveals this extraordinary opportunity in detail.

Take A Look Now By Visiting:


There is absolutely No Risk to you in taking a look at this. The whole
thing comes with a full Cast Iron Money Back Guarantee.  All the best for now

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John Harrison
Streetwise Publications

PS. Just for good measure here are Mike Pears comments on the A Minus B System:

“O.k. – here are my updates on the A-B System up to my trading week 51. These are all to level stakes. 

Week 40 – w/c 16/2 – loss of 16 pts
Week 41 – w/c 23/2 – profit of 37 pts
Week 42 – w/c 2/3 – loss of 2 pts
Week 43 – w/c 9/3 – profit of 80 pts
Week 44 – w/c 16/3 – profit of 37 pts
Week 45 – w/c 23/3 – profit of 75 pts
Week 46 – w/c 30/3 – profit of 38 pts
Week 47 – w/c 6/4 – loss of 51 pts
Week 48 – w/c 13/4 – profit of 62 pts
Week 49 – w/c 20/4 – profit of 30 pts
Week 50 – w/c 27/4 – profit of 144 pts
Week 51 – w/c 4/5 – loss of 45 pts

Total Level stakes profit is 1,821 pts which averages 36.42 per week… A £1,000 starting bankusing 0.1% stakes, now stands at £5,569.”

Eating In The 50’s And 60’s

Pasta was not eaten.

Curry was a surname. 

A takeaway was a mathematical problem.  

A pizza was something to do with a leaning tower.  

All potato crisps were plain; the only choice we had was whether to put the salt on or not. 

Rice was only eaten as a milk pudding.

Calamari was called squid and we used it as fish bait.

A Big Mac was what we wore when it was raining.

Brown bread was something only poor people ate.

Oil was for lubricating, fat was for cooking.  

Tea was made in a teapot using tea leaves and never green.

Sugar enjoyed a good press in those days, and was regarded
as being white gold. Cubed sugar was regarded as posh.  

Fish didn’t have fingers in those days.  

Eating raw fish was called poverty, not sushi.

None of us had ever heard of yoghurt.

Healthy food consisted of anything edible.

People who didn’t peel potatoes were regarded as lazy.

Cooking outside was called camping.

Seaweed was not a recognised food.

“Kebab” was not even a word, never mind a food.  

Prunes were medicinal.

Surprisingly, muesli was readily available, it was called  cattle feed.

Water came out of the tap.

If someone had suggested bottling it and charging more than petrol for it, they would have become a laughing stock!!

But the one thing that we never ever had on our table in the sixties …..”Elbows or Phones”

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.”

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       Thomas Jefferson 

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“The first time I see a jogger smiling, I’ll consider it.”


Joan Rivers

New Way’s To Profit A Love Of Whiskey

Investing in whisky has never been easier from the comfort of your home, even when it’s still in the cask. Whisky Invest Direct is a platform that was launched five years ago by the people behind gold and precious-metals dealing service BullionVault.

Users simply log on and buy whisky that is still in the barrel and kept in the original distiller’s bonded warehouse. The idea is that, as it slowly ages, and other whiskies get consumed, your whisky appreciates in value.

Then, you sell it via the platform. Just like on BullionVault, there is a live order board that allows you to set your own asking price. Another option is to buy and sell whisky by the cask via an online auction.

In February, Cask Trade’s newly launched auction service, called auctionyourcask.com, held the world’s first live, online whisky auction dedicated to casks. Around 300 whisky lovers registered to take part, with roughly 100 samples sent out to prospective buyers in North America, Asia, Europe and Australia.

Today’s National Day

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Dear Streetwise Customer,

I’ve already written to you a couple of times about this cash generating system.

This time though, I’m not going to tell you how good this is. I’m going to let our customers do it instead!

Here are just some of the comments we’ve received recently…

(Incidentally, all of these comments are completely unsolicited and the original copies are held on file at our offices and are available for inspection.)

To get the full story take a couple of minutes to read visit the website below and read the message from David Houghton who figured this out. It reveals this extraordinary opportunity in detail.

Take A Look Now By Visiting:


There is absolutely No Risk to you in taking a look at this. The whole
thing comes with a full Cast Iron Money Back Guarantee.  All the best for now

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John Harrison
Streetwise Publications

PS. Just for good measure here are Mike Pears comments on the A Minus B System:

“O.k. – here are my updates on the A-B System up to my trading week 51. These are all to level stakes. 

Week 40 – w/c 16/2 – loss of 16 pts
Week 41 – w/c 23/2 – profit of 37 pts
Week 42 – w/c 2/3 – loss of 2 pts
Week 43 – w/c 9/3 – profit of 80 pts
Week 44 – w/c 16/3 – profit of 37 pts
Week 45 – w/c 23/3 – profit of 75 pts
Week 46 – w/c 30/3 – profit of 38 pts
Week 47 – w/c 6/4 – loss of 51 pts
Week 48 – w/c 13/4 – profit of 62 pts
Week 49 – w/c 20/4 – profit of 30 pts
Week 50 – w/c 27/4 – profit of 144 pts
Week 51 – w/c 4/5 – loss of 45 pts

Total Level stakes profit is 1,821 pts which averages 36.42 per week… A £1,000 starting bankusing 0.1% stakes, now stands at £5,569.”

Ask Sunday

Personal assistants used to work only for the rich and famous. Not anymore. Sign up for a subscription at AskSunday.com and you can have the site’s virtual secretaries do tasks for you, like schedule appointments, set up dinner reservations or give you a wake-up call even if you are on a trip around the world.

In fact pretty much any secretarial, administrative or organisational task can be arranged through the site. Time can be booked in just five minute increments.

I mention it for two reasons: 

1.  You might be a one man/woman band or run a very ‘tight ship’ and have use for such a  service on an occasional basis.

2.  There could be a business idea for you there.

Is there a service you could provide over the internet in short time slots, which would help entrepreneurs to run their businesses more effectively?

Motivational Quote Of The Day


Alternative Quote Of The Day

“Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you’re a mile away and you have their shoes.”       

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Jack Handey

Information Publishing

Information publishing is one of the most heavily promoted ways to make some extra money, and yet many people aren’t really clear on what it is.

Put simply, an information product is any piece of knowledge that has been recorded in some way – whether that be in a printed format, an audio format, or a video format-so that it can now be passed on to others. There are dozens of ways to package and sell information.

Some of the most common products are, printed books and e-books, booklets and special reports, manuals and workbooks, CDs, downloadable audio files, DVDs, newsletters, subscription-based web sites, workshops and seminars.

All of us have information or knowledge that would be useful to others, and packaging and marketing it in the right way can be highly lucrative. If you have an idea for an idea for information product, and want a second opinion on it, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Today’s National Day

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Dear Streetwise Customer,

I’ve already written to you a couple of times about this cash generating system.

This time though, I’m not going to tell you how good this is. I’m going to let our customers do it instead!

Here are just some of the comments we’ve received recently…

(Incidentally, all of these comments are completely unsolicited and the original copies are held on file at our offices and are available for inspection.)

To get the full story take a couple of minutes to read visit the website below and read the message from David Houghton who figured this out. It reveals this extraordinary opportunity in detail.

Take A Look Now By Visiting:


There is absolutely No Risk to you in taking a look at this. The whole
thing comes with a full Cast Iron Money Back Guarantee.  All the best for now

john sig.png

John Harrison
Streetwise Publications

PS. Just for good measure here are Mike Pears comments on the A Minus B System:

“O.k. – here are my updates on the A-B System up to my trading week 51. These are all to level stakes. 

Week 40 – w/c 16/2 – loss of 16 pts
Week 41 – w/c 23/2 – profit of 37 pts
Week 42 – w/c 2/3 – loss of 2 pts
Week 43 – w/c 9/3 – profit of 80 pts
Week 44 – w/c 16/3 – profit of 37 pts
Week 45 – w/c 23/3 – profit of 75 pts
Week 46 – w/c 30/3 – profit of 38 pts
Week 47 – w/c 6/4 – loss of 51 pts
Week 48 – w/c 13/4 – profit of 62 pts
Week 49 – w/c 20/4 – profit of 30 pts
Week 50 – w/c 27/4 – profit of 144 pts
Week 51 – w/c 4/5 – loss of 45 pts

Total Level stakes profit is 1,821 pts which averages 36.42 per week… A £1,000 starting bankusing 0.1% stakes, now stands at £5,569.”

Follow The Pumpkin Plan

When Mike Michalowicz was trying to grow his first company he got locked in a cycle of make-sell-make-sell. Although he was making steady money, there was never much left over. His company was alive, but hardly a fortune maker.

That’s when he discovered an unlikely source of inspiration-pumpkin farmers! He tested this Pumpkin Plan on his own company and transformed it into a remarkable, multimillion-dollar industry leader. He’s now written a book about it. Here’s the gist of the plan…

1.  Plant the right seeds; Don’t waste time doing lots of different things just to please your customers. Instead, identify the thing you do better than anyone else and focus all of your attention, money, and time on figuring out how to grow your company doing it.

2.  Weed out the losers: In a pumpkin patch small, rotten pumpkins stunt the growth of the robust, healthy ones. The same is true of customers. Figure out which customers add the most value and provide the best opportunities for sustained growth. Then ditch the worst of the worst.

3.  Nurture the winners: Once you figure out who your best customers are, look after them. Discover their unfulfilled needs, innovate to make their wishes come true, and over-deliver on every single promise.

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“It’s not the load that breaks you down; it’s the way you carry it.”

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Lena Horne

Alternative Quote Of The Day


“Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?”

George Carlin

The Bicycle Library

Imagine you want to buy a new bicycle. There are hundreds of models to choose from, each with very different characteristics. Choose the wrong one and you can end up making an expensive mistake. That’s the scenario behind the launch of the London Bicycle Library.

The library is based on a double decker bus. The bus contains information and resource materials where visitors can research their choice, and also a wide selection of bicycles which they can try out, and even take home for a few days. If it’s a marriage made in heaven, they can the order their own bike, direct from the manufacturers via the library.

One of the greatest fears – and one of the greatest barriers to making a sale – in any market, is the fear of making a mistake. Anything which allows the customers to try-before-they-buy will ultimately be rewarded with increased sales.

So is there some way you could adapt or apply this concept to your business?

Today’s National Day

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  Dear Streetwise Customer,

I hope you’re keeping safe and well.

This offer is limited, so we are only make it available to our most valued Streetwise customers at the moment.

  Back in the autumn, we alerted a few of our customers to a course, created by a guy making what seemed at the time to be an outrageous prediction.

He predicted the world would soon be gripped by a unprecedented crisis which would create a huge financial opportunity. Crazy eh?

Anyway the course revolved around a strategy which would enable anyone to make £2,803 a month to ‘tick over’ in normal times, but would then transform into a massive fortune maker once the implications of the predicted crisis hit.

Not many people (including me!) believed the prediction, but £2,800 a month is certainly worth having and a number of our customers got on the bandwagon and started doing well with it…and then the crisis came…sooner than anyone thought.

   The big opportunity he planned for is about to hit, and I want as many of our customers as possible to benefit…but there’s a hitch.

  For reasons explained when you take a look at the details here, I can only help NINE people at the moment. But those nine people are going to get something nobody else has been able to get up until today…

     The full programme in one package and at a huge discount!

  For full details take a look here.


    Very Best Wishes,

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John Harrison