I’d hesitate to saw you can make a profitable business out of anything, but the range of possibilities open to you is probably wider than you might imagine.
Who would have thought that an expertise in anthropology could lead to a profitable business, but that’s precisely what happened to a lecturer from Teeside University, who now makes an extra income analysing the human remains found by police and other authorities around the world.
Dr Tim Thompson started his Anthronomics business to cope with demand, and the work has taken him as far afield as Thailand where he was involved in identifying Tsunami victims and Kosovo where he was called upon to help identify bodies in mass graves.
I’m not suggesting that identifying bone fragments is a viable opportunity for you, but what I am suggesting is that there may be opportunities to make extra money hidden away in your own expertise or profession.
Perhaps it’s time to give some thought to what may be right under your nose.
Motivational Quote Of The Day
“Try not to be a man of success, try to become a man of value.”

Albert Einstein
Alternative Quote Of The Day
“A man loses his dog,so he puts an ad in the paper. And the ad says, ” Here, boy!”

Spike Milligan
Never Give Up
It’s never too late to strive for success – Colonel Sanders was in his seventies before he struck gold with Kentucky Fried Chicken – and George Weiss is the latest proof of that.
The 84 year old has seen over 80 of his inventions fail, but finally hit the jackpot with a word game called Dabble. It’s now available in over 40 stores across America and has won the 2011 Game Of The Year Award from Creative Child Magazine.
We speak to so many people who say it’s ‘too late’ for them to achieve financial success – people in their fifties and sixties…even people in their forties! Here’s a guy decades older, still trying and ultimately succeeding.
What else are you doing….waiting to die?
Today’s National Day


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John Harrison

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