It’s probably just me getting old, but bananas aint what they used to be. I eat them every day for breakfast, and tend to shop for them a couple of times a week. Most days, those on offer fall into two categories…under-ripe and rotten.
Given this unappetising choice, I always opt of the lesser of two evils…the green under-ripe variety. It turns out I may have been accidentally doing myself a big favour.
According to New York Times Best Seller, The Carb Lovers Diet, green bananas contain a special type of carbohydrate that actually helps you to lose weight. Dubbed ‘resistant starch’, it adds bulk, so helps you feel full for longer.
According to studies, it also switches on your fullness hormones, keeps your blood sugar level steady, and even helps your body burn more calories.
So there you are. It won’t stop me picking yellow bananas, given the choice, but at least I won’t feel so bad for having to go green.
Motivational Quote Of The Day
“The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.”

Bob Marley
Alternative Quote Of The Day
“I think that when you get dressed in the morning, sometimes you’re really making a decision about your behaviour for the day. Like if you put on flip-flops, you’re saying: “Hope I don’t get chased today. Be nice to people in trainers”

Demetri Martin
Cocktails By Subscription
There seems little end to the number of possible subscription businesses out there, and here’s another one. Julibox is a subscription service that provides information and materials to make cocktails at home.
Subscribers pay $36 a month for a six-month subscription, which will provide a package containing recipes, spirits and mixers for two different types of cocktail each month. The delivered ingredients are enough to make two of each cocktail and recipients can use their box as a way to entertain guests during a night in.
As we’ve said many times here before, subscription businesses give a continuity and certainty to income. What subscription business could you add to your money making portfolio?
Today’s National Day


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Best Wishes

John Harrison