Anyone who’s undergone any sales training will be familiar with the idea of the puppy dog sale. In case you’re unfamiliar with it, here’s how it works:
A customer is in a pet shop with a child who is begging for a puppy. Not at all sure this is such a great idea, or perhaps not sure if this particular puppy is the right fit, the customer will not commit to the purchase. The salesperson then plays his Ace.
He offers to let them take the puppy home for a few days, assuring the parent that the puppy can be returned, no questions asked, if they decide they don’t want to keep it. How could you refuse? Of course, the child falls in love with the new pet, and there’s no way it’s going to be returned. Sold!
It’s an idea which can be applied to the sale of many products. Get the product into your customers hands on a trial basis and there’s every chance that they will keep it.
That could be because they find it’s just what they want, or because they form an emotional attachment to it (as with a pet). Either a sale is made or you’re not much worse off if the customer decides to return the product.
Give some thought to whether this is something you can apply to your business. Making it completely risk and obligation free for your customer to try out the product in their own home is a very powerful technique. It won’t apply to everything, but where it does, you should use it.
Motivational Quote Of The Day

Alternative Quote Of The Day
“A man walked into the doctor’s. The doctor said, ‘I haven’t seen you for a long time.’ The man replied, ‘I know. I’ve been ill.’

Tommy Cooper
“You know you must be doing something right if old people like you.”
Selling The Unsavoury
Not every product is attractive in either appearance or function. Many fall into the yucky-but-necessary category. So how do you go about selling them? The makers of Naposure, a saline product designed to wash out a mucus laden nose, (apologies if your eating!) faced just this problem.
Their solution was to soften the whole thing by using attractive children in the advertisements, demonstrating the product. The cute and funny videos they made seemed to do the trick of making an unglamorous product visually attractive to the target market.
It’s a trick that toilet paper manufacturers have used for decades of course. What Labrador puppies have to do with the quality and effectiveness of Andrex is anyone’s guess, but they serve the function of making the product attractive, while very subtly conveying the benefits.
Perhaps if your product lacks a little glamour, you could think about making it more attractive and appealing by associating it in customers minds with something more acceptable. Something to give some thought to.
As an aside, I just discovered that toilet paper was first marketed in the United States just 150 years ago, and up until that point in time, everyone made ‘alternative arrangements’. Just give some thought to that the next time you’re bemoaning the fact that some modern day luxury you’ve become accustomed to isn’t working quite the way it should!
Today’s National Day


Dear Streetwise Customer,
If you were to design a money-making strategy from scratch to take advantage of the circumstances we’re currently experiencing, here is exactly what you’d come up with – a business where…
. You can work exclusively from home and never have to leave
the house
. As long as you have a computer with internet access, you’re in
. The method behind it doesn’t just cope with turmoil and
uncertainty…it positively thrives on it.
. You can get started and be making money in days rather than
weeks or months.
. Start-up costs are virtually zero.
How do I know this is perfect for now?
Because the guy who developed it is something of a recluse. He started ‘self-isolating’ years ago before it became a thing, and has run this business from the top of a French mountain, from a remote Swedish farm and from the wilds of northern Scotland…
He didn’t have to self-isolate…he just chose to!
If you find yourself having to live and work a little more remotely in the coming weeks and months…or even if you just like the idea of doing that…then this is perfect for you.
Take a look now and respond today. In every crisis, there are opportunities. Even if you’ve looked at doing something like this before and decided against, think again. Now is the time.
Click HERE for more information
Kind Regards

John Harrison

P.S Uncertain and volatile times are precisely when this works best.
What other opportunity can you say that about?