People are spending an increasing amount if their time online at sites like Facebook and Twitter. Much of their social life now takes place in the virtual world, but that doesn’t mean that they’ve dispensed with the physical world (and physical products altogether).
In fact there’s a growing market for products and services which form a link between the on and off line worlds.
Facebook users can already use their online content to make tangible products like mugs, photo albums and notebooks. A recent addition to what’s possible is Social book, which is a hardcopy 8.5”x 11.5” book cataloguing the buyers Facebook history and content.
The need and desire to convert online content into a tangible real-world product is a trend that is likely to grow. So how might you help people to bridge the gap between the real and virtual worlds?
Motivational Quote Of The Day
“There are no regrets in life. Just lessons.”

Jennifer Aniston
Alternative Quote Of The Day
“Woman are like cars: we all want a Ferrari, sometimes want a pickup truck, and end up with a station wagon.”

Tim Allen
Tantalising Toes
False finger nails are an established product, but what about toes? Six years ago, Maria Bariles dropped a box on her foot and lost her big toenail. It was summer and she wanted to wear open toed shoes.
She came up with the idea of using an adhesive which could be painted along be painted along with the rest of her toenails. This was the start of her business, Nail Creations – Appealing While Healing.
There must be a lot of woman in this position. Even if they haven’t lost a nail, they may be unhappy with the look or shape of them. I don’t know how well this problem is catered for here in the UK (Maria Bariles business is in the US), but it could be worthy of further investigation.
Today’s National Day


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John Goldsmith