I’m not really sure what to make of this one. I read the story online and a big piece seems to be missing. Perhaps you can fill in the gaps.
Brian Hartley used to be an army intelligence officer, but now he makes his money spying on car parks. Hartley visits parking facilities in the Boston area and reports on everything from cleanliness to size of bays through to friendliness of the attendants. Effectively he’s a secret shopper for parking facilities.
The puzzling bit comes when he says that he receives his assignments from a woman in Michegan, sends her his reports and receives a monthly cheque. Why this woman wants to know about Boston car parks isn’t clear! Maybe she’s providing feedback to car park owners for a fee, or is feeding information to some sort of consumer site for divers.
The principle is an interesting one though. There must be a lot of facility owners (not just car parks) who are located remotely and would welcome feedback on how the facility, and their locally based staff, is being perceived on the ground.
Secret shopping has many facets. Is there a premises or service facility you could specialise in?
Motivational Quote Of The Day
“There are no gains without pains.”

Abraham Maslow
Alternative Quote Of The Day
“These are my principles. If you don’t like them, I have others.”

Groucho Marx
Harnessing Power
One trend that is unlikely to disappear any time soon, is the move towards anything eco-friendly and which saves a power.
A company called the Tango Group has just developed a water powered radio which uses a patented micro turbine technology to harness the power of water running up a shower pipe. If it wasn’t used to power the radio, it’s energy that would literally go down the drain.
It seems to me that this technology could be used to harness other water flows and for other purposes. I don’t know what the full potential is, but there could be an opportunity for someone with technical expertise and entrepreneurial flair to partner the company and take it to the next level.
When you start to think about it, there are a host of energy sources which go to waste because they’re not harnessed in anyway.
Just imagine how much power you’d generate if you harnessed all the energy expended on running machines, rowing machines and exercise bikes in gyms, for example. My rough calculation suggests that one hour on a rowing machine will generate enough energy to power a one kilowatt fire for an hour.
I don’t pretend to understand the technicalities here, but am convinced that there are major breakthroughs in harnessing untapped power, yet to be made.
This is a huge opportunity for the right person or company.
Today’s National Day

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Kind Regards

John Harrison