As far as I know, Marie Antoinette never had cause to dirty her hands with the sordid matter of commerce. Well, when you’re queen, you don’t do you? But if she had, I think she may have had a head start (no pun intended) on a lot of others setting out on the same path.
You see, there’s one thing that an enormous number of would-be entrepreneurs waste time on – even today. It’s something that rarely bears fruit. But it distracts so many from the real task in hand. In fact for many, it becomes the task in hand.
Anyway, here’s what Marie Antoinette said, sometime in the mid 1750’s…
“There is nothing new, except what has been forgotten.”
Marie Antoinette realised that there was nothing new back in the middle of the 18th century, but if the communications and correspondence I have with people in the early 21st century are anything to go by, this isn’t a commonly-held view – even today.
Everyone seems to be looking for something new ~ a new product, a new service, a new sales technique…a new something. Now I’m not quite as unequivocal as the cake-promoting former queen of France. I wouldn’t agree that there is ‘nothing’ new ~ but what there is, is little and far between. What’s more, fully exploiting and protecting it, is way beyond the wit and resources of the lone entrepreneur.
If, by chance, you do stumble across something truly new and ground breaking, it will be copied, stolen, ripped-off ~ call it what you will ~ faster than you can draw breath. And there’ll be very little you can do about it. The search for something new is almost always fruitless – whether you happen to find it or not.
A far better approach is to look at what already exists, but has been forgotten, overlooked or undervalued. It’s there in abundance, and yet there’s very little competition in the race to discover it and convert it into cash. You might not be able to use it exactly as it is.
It may need a little fettling. But it’s a lot easier than trying to find and exploit something new. And when you do it that way, you operate under the radar of the sharks who are lying in wait for anyone who does strike lucky, and discovers something genuinely innovative.
So forget the new and remember the forgotten. It’s worked for me on many occasions, and I’m certain it can work for you too.
Kind Regards

John Harrison

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John Harrison

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