Have you ever wondered why Australians call us “whinging poms”?
Well to give you a clue, think about the people you know who have upped sticks and moved to Australia…
Were they happy, successful, and highly ambitious people looking for a new challenge? Or were they underachieving, dissatisfied people looking to escape to something better?
For reasons I don’t fully understand, it seems like the people who move to the other side of the world are usually those who haven’t really made a go of it here. People move to the United States for positive reasons. They move to Australia for negative ones.
So what you end up with in Oz, once the novelty has worn off, is a bunch of underachieving, dissatisfied people ~ in shorts!
Or whinging poms, in other words.
The only way the move could have the desired effect for people like that, is if they were able to go without themselves!
Confused? Let me give you another example of what I’m talking about here…
Do you know anyone who regularly changes jobs? I know quite a few, and the pattern is always the same:
- “I just got offered a new job. It’s fantastic…great pay, great people. I love it. So much better than that crappy sweat shop hell-hole I just left.”
- “Hmm…there are things about this job that they kept from me.”
- “My work colleagues and/or boss are unreasonable and unpleasant.”
- “They’re taking advantage of me and exploiting me. I’m not being paid what I’m worth.”
- “I need to look for a new job.”
- Go back to number one.

And it’s the same with businesses. People start out with great enthusiasm, only to stall when the reality hits home…this isn’t as easy as it looks. And so they start something else, only to find that that business also has difficulties associated with it. And the whole sorry cycle is repeated over and over.
The point I’m trying to make here, is that if you find yourself to be a serial-switcher of either location, job or business (and it’s not for positive reasons) then the problem is almost certainly not to be found in the locations, jobs or businesses.
And I’d go even further…
If you find yourself constantly ‘switching’ in any aspect of your life, but without any tangible improvement in satisfaction or success, then the problem isn’t an external one.
The common denominator is a little closer
to home, and can be viewed daily in the mirror.
I think most of us spend at least part of our lives seeking out external solutions for internal problems. To recognise and accept that blame and responsibility lies right at our own doorstep is far from easy (self delusion is much more comfortable and a far more natural reaction) but it’s essential if we’re to find a solution that works.
So by all means embark on your own version of an antipodean adventure, but at least be honest and realistic with yourself before you set off…
It’s a long way to go to end up exactly where you started, but with slightly browner legs.
Kind Regards

John Harrison

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