The adjective that sums up many people’s lives, when they are left to their own devices, is ‘drifting’. They drift through school into a college or University course and then on into a job. Little or no thought is given to any of it. It’s a course; it’s a job. You’re lucky to have either. It will do.
At the end of each day they drift home, eat some junk food, watch some junk TV and catch up with the latest junk gossip online. Sooner or later they will drift ever deeper into a relationship with someone with no real consideration for whether this person is right for them, and before they’ve had time to think about it (not that they would do anyway) they’ve drifted into parenthood, marriage or both.
Pretty soon, it’s hard to tell one day from another, and one week imperceptibly blends into the next. Eventually longer periods also blend seamlessly into each other, with the only discernible difference between one year and the next being the size of their gut, the destination of their fortnight in the sun and the location of the office Christmas party.

Any changes they do make are purely reactive. They make no attempt to plan, create or actively advance. And before they know it, they’re stuck in a rut with sides they can’t see over the top of – approaching middle age and wondering where the hell their life went.
Think I’m over-dramatising? I’ve hardly started. And unless you make a firm commitment to take control of your own life and your destiny right now, this will happen to you too. Jim Rohn, the motivational speaker and writer, highlighted the problem very well. “If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.” By drifting, you make yourself cannon fodder – ripe for sacrifice in the pursuit of other people’s plans.
To escape that fate, you have to take positive, proactive action now. You have to think, you have to plan and you have to take action. Nobody can, or will, do it for you. Nor will it happen by accident or magic. Drifting is an inevitable precursor to disappointment and failure. Whatever you want, it’s up to you to take action to make it happen.
Kind Regards

John Harrison

Dear Streetwise Customer,
I hope you’re keeping safe and well.
This offer is limited, so we are only make it available to our most valued Streetwise customers at the moment.
Back in the autumn, we alerted a few of our customers to a course, created by a guy making what seemed at the time to be an outrageous prediction.
He predicted the world would soon be gripped by a unprecedented crisis which would create a huge financial opportunity. Crazy eh?
Anyway the course revolved around a strategy which would enable anyone to make £2,803 a month to ‘tick over’ in normal times, but would then transform into a massive fortune maker once the implications of the predicted crisis hit.
Not many people (including me!) believed the prediction, but £2,800 a month is certainly worth having and a number of our customers got on the bandwagon and started doing well with it…and then the crisis came…sooner than anyone thought.
The big opportunity he planned for is about to hit, and I want as many of our customers as possible to benefit…but there’s a hitch.
For reasons explained when you take a look at the details here, I can only help NINE people at the moment. But those nine people are going to get something nobody else has been able to get up until today…
The full programme in one package and at a huge discount!
For full details take a look here.
Very Best Wishes,

John Harrison
Streetwise Publications
P.S. Everything comes fully guaranteed and makes truly fascinating reading.