I told you in an earlier bulletin that I’d started ice-skating again after a gap of over 30 years. I also told you that I managed to get back to my previous (very low) standard remarkably quickly. Well I’m delighted to tell you that I’ve actually improved.
When I skated as a kid, I never got beyond going forwards, but when I started again, I decided I wanted to learn to go backwards. I thought it looked really impressive, and so resolved to learn how to do it.
I got nowhere at first, but then – a couple of weeks ago – it suddenly clicked and I could do it. It’s a great feeling to learn something new, but here’s the interesting thing…
As soon as I could do it, it wasn’t impressive any more!
I remember exactly the same feeling when I learned to juggle, to ski, to memorise a pack of playing cards and loads of other stuff. They all seemed impossibly impressive skills when I couldn’t do them, but pretty mundane once I could.
I find this holds true with most things in life, and I suspect it’s the same for you.
Now of course I’m talking about ‘fun’ activities here, but this has wider implications because it lures us in to undervaluing all the skills we have ~ to regard them as something anyone can do. And the longer we’ve had those skills, the more likely we are to undervalue them – the more likely we are to feel that they’re commonplace and worthless.
Indeed we might have even stopped
recognising them as skills at all.
I spend quite a bit of time writing stuff ~ books, newsletters, sales letters, advertisements etc ~ but rarely do I regard it as a skill. I just think it’s something that anyone can do ~ like talking.
Of course, when I think about it – or sometimes when I see someone else trying to do the same thing – I realise that it’s not as easy as I think, that there is a skill to it.
I’d wager it’s the same for you. There are things you do very well, but undervalue because you simply don’t think of it as a rare skill. As a result, you charge too little for it, or don’t do enough of it. You see, to maximise your productivity and income, you need to be capitalising on your rarest and most valuable skills. That’s where your greatest commercial value lies.
So here’s my suggestion for you. Make a dispassionate and objective list of your skills, and analyse whether you’re exploiting them to the full.
I wouldn’t be surprised if you quickly find a hidden gem waiting to be mined, cut and polished.

John Harrison
“HE JUST WON £1,460 IN
Dear Streetwise Customer,
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G.B – 6th February 2020
“Many thanks. Thursday OMG Newcastle 5:30. Special Lady WON 50/1. Won £500. “
G B – 7th February 2020
A couple of weeks ago we wrote to you about The Hermes Strategy, a unique approach to horse
racing created by Bill Burrows. I’ve reproduced word for word, two emails I received this week from
one of our customers who tried the strategy for the first time just a few days ago.
He just won £1,460 in two days!
Needless to say, he’s pleased!
Now we don’t get 80-1 and 50-1 winners every day (although it looks like we do at the moment!) but because this strategy looks at the whole thing from a VERY unusual angle, long odds winners come along pretty regularly alongside more mundane wins.
It all adds up to a great second income for anyone able to spend 7-10 minutes a day putting the strategy to work.
For full details, take a look HERE
You could very easily be up and running and copying Bill within a few hours of reading about this. Everything you need is at your fingertips.
Best Wishes

John Harrison